Winter 2024 Starshine Newsletter

Starshine News
Vol.28, #1
Winter 2024
Dear friends,
I remember a friend telling me a while ago: ‘A successful person does what they say they are going to do.’ It really stuck with me. It made me really think before I agreed to something. Will I really want to show up for what’s being offered to me, or do I know myself enough to know I will want to blow it off when the appointed time comes. I want to cultivate my own success in whatever way that might look. So I think deeply about a choice and only agree to it when I know I will keep that promise.
We are on an evolutionary edge as a race of human beings. Unprecedented change is upon us. We are being pushed off the curb, so to speak. Opportunities to grow and change are present. We just need to say okay and we will be assisted. It can be seen as an adventure or a chore. That’s up to each of us. That’s where our choice is, that old free will.
In April, Jupiter and Uranus will come together and blend their energies in a way that is very expansive. This expansiveness can also translate into more intense earth changes as well as opening up parts of ourselves and being more expressive. What is it you want more of from within your own being and your own life.
As we enter this new year of 2024, may all beings know peace. May all suffering lessen. May our hearts open wider to love.
Blessings and good fortune, Jyoti
Winter Meditation
Take a few deep breaths. Envision a flow of white Light pouring through the top of your head, your crown chakra. See it fill every cell of your body, healing and awakening. Sit quietly for a few minutes.
Astrological Services
Consultations $200
Natal and Transit Readings.
Relationship Charts.
Astrocartograpy Maps.
Spiritual Consulting.
Shamanic Journeys, $150.
Children’s Charts: $100 under 14 years old.
Sliding Scale available.
Winter 24 Astrology Column
January begins with Mercury turns Direct on the 1st at 8:08PM/MST. We begin to
implement what we’ve been working on since Mid-Dec. On the 4th, with Mars entering Capricorn, our goals become more clearly defined and we’re willing to work for what we want. We give ourselves and others a lot of freedom to be who they need to be on the 9th. The New Moon on the 11th at 4:57AM/MST brings expansion in relationships, goals, and the energy to follow though and bring something to manifestation. Expansion on the 12th and intensity on the 20th with the Sun and Pluto together. Pluto enters Aquarius on the 20th at 5:50AM/MST and we get another taste of what’s coming when Pluto comes back into Aquarius in December for the next 20 years. With this Plutonian energy, we step into new ideas, revolutions of consciousness and behaviors, a new humanity. On the 21st, Mercury catches up to where it went Retrograde (Rx) and we move into new territory. The Full Moon on the 25th at 10:54AM/MST brings high intuition and changes. On the 25th also, Uranus is stationing until the 30th and you can expect the unexpected. We end the month with Mars trine Uranus, a more exuberant sense of self expression.
February begins with Mercury entering Aquarius and conjunct Pluto on the 4th and 5th. Looking broader and deeper at the same time, is health. Freedom needs on the 7th. The New Moon on the 9th at 3:59PM/MST shows contrasts between past and future and what it’s time to shed. Mars enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto on the 12th and 13th and we look at the idealistic side and the reality side of things. Creative energies on the 21st. The Full Moon on the 24th at 5:30AM/MST is a time to gather knowledge, learn something, and create emotionally nurturing experiences. We end the month with insights into how we might be limiting ourselves and can begin to see beyond that.
March begins with a need for more room to move. Things feel unsettled on the 9th. The New Moon on the 10th at 2AM/MDT brings challenges to existing beliefs about self. Good time to work with the shadow. (Romancing the Shadow by Connie Zweig and Steve Wolf.) On the 17th, Mercury enters the shadow of its next Rx cycle and we begin a somewhat introspective period. Since Mercury will be in Aries for the whole of its Rx time, we will be looing at where we want to create something new and innovative, take new risks, be willing to initiate new experiences. The Spring Equinox occurs on the 19th at 9:06PM/MDT and brings emotional ease to this new quarter of the Astrological new year. Studying, learning and risk-taking are all favored. On the 21st, we look at self-doubt and trust issues. We end March with a Lunar Full Moon Eclipse at 1AM/MDT on March 25. It brings opportunities for emotional growth and relationship challenges. Happy Spring!
Mercury turns Direct Jan 1 8:08PM/MST
New Moon Jan 11 4:57AM/MST
Pluto enters Aquarius Jan 20 5:50AM/MST
Mercury catches up “ “
Full Moon Jan 25 10:54AM/MST
New Moon Feb 9 3:59PM/MST
Full Moon Feb 24 5:30AM/MST
New Moon Mar 10 2AM/MDT
Spring Equinox/Mercury enters shadow Mar 19 9:06PM/MDT
Lunar Full Moon Eclipse Mar 25 1AM/MDT
Winter 24 Book Reviews
My courageous life
Has seen everything
I have been
And everything
I have not
And has forgiven me,
Day after day.
David Whyte
The Shadow’s Life Review: What Was Repressed
The ego’s story, the hero’s journey is the conscious story we tell ourselves. But as we know from Freud and Jung, as the ego develops, a lot of material gets buried in the shadow. In fact, what is not expressed gets repressed. So, as we live out our life, another story is running beneath the threshold of awareness, which Jung called the unlived life. And because the task of later life is not to reinforce the ego with our accomplishments but to connect with something larger, our life review needs to uncover those unlived shadow figures that have been secretly writing your stories and blocking the transition of role to soul. (From The Inner Work of Age: Shifting From Role to Soul by Connie Zweig, Ph.D.)
Authors I have been reading:
Cheryl Rees-Price Detective Mysteries set in Wales 9 books in series
M S Morris a couple mystery writing team, detective series set in England several books in series
Currently reading: Little Girls Sleeping by Jennifer Chase. Detective set in CA
Walking Each Other Home: Conversations on Loving and Dying by Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush.
Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path: The Dance of Light and Darkness in Our Search for Awakening by Connie Zweig, Ph.D.
The Crew of Three by Kimberly J. Ward is a meticulous memoir of steps leading to an 18-month sail along the eastern coast of the States to Nassau and the Caribbean. The trip influences their daughter to advance from shyness to mixing with children of different languages and cultures to eventually choosing to school in Scotland as a teen. The book allows the reader to share in their joy. Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice, author of Rumors and Other Short Stories.
“It’s all about love,” Maharj-ji taught. “RamDass, love everyone. Tell the truth. Serve everyone. Be like Gandhi. Remember God.” As I got older, the words ‘love everyone’ became the most resonant. I keep experiencing how loving everyone and everything is what allows me to stay in my soul, where I have no desires most of the time. Then I feel present with what is, and I am content with what is given.
‘We are all one. We are all talking to ourselves when we talk to one another. There is the plane of the ego, the plane of the soul, and the plane of the One. As you go on, you gravitate toward the One. Compassion comes from the realization of our oneness. When another person is suffering, you are suffering. When you help that person, you are helping yourself. When you love that person, you are also loving yourself.” (Walking Each Other Home by Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush)
Two Floors Above Grief by Kevin O’Connor is a memoir of growing up in a Victorian mansion converted to include two apartments and a funeral home. Humor and music thread through the story that tells a very different way of life. The family stories he relates are entwined with the responsibilities and intricacies of the funeral industry and their personal experiences. I loved this book! Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice, author of Rumors and Other Short Stories.
Women Rowing North by Mary Pipher is so gracefully/skillfully written and presented that it can be read by women of any age, I wish I’d had it as a guide earlier in my life.-with loads of stories shared by herself and women just like me in situations I know personally or can relate to, I’m reminded I’m not the only one.-it’s a book you want to own in order to re-read, refer to and loan to friends-she deftly guides one from the depths of grief on so many levels to the possibilities of forgiveness and allowing, to choosing contentment, gratitude and happiness as a way of being. Why not?-I can trust her words because I trust she’s done her own work toward authenticity and that’s what we all want is a return to our authentic selves. Guest Reviewer: Bonita Cid
Save What’s Left is the new debut novel by Elizabeth Castellano. I was looking for light holiday reading, and this fit the bill perfectly. I laughed out loud at the first sentence, and grinned throughout the rest of the book. Kathleens’s husband suddenly (to her) decides he wants a divorce and books himself a long-extended ocean cruise. She sells their house in Kansas City, and moves to the east coast. After years of reading her old friend’s Christmas letters from a quaint little New England village, she decides to embark on a new journey for herself, and buys a small beach-front cottage. But living in a small town is an acquired skill, and Kathleen has a lot to learn. The title refers to protecting the pristine beach frontage, but it may just be a metaphor for saving her own sanity. Enjoy ! Guest Reviewer: Annette Price.
How To Say Babylon. A memoir written by the award winning Jamaican poet Safiy Sinclair. She beautifully writes her way out of a life of repression, isolation and abuse and into one of art, freedom and forgiveness. Her father was a very strict Rastafarian who took
his frustration and anger out on his four children, of which Safiya was the oldest. She joins the pantheon of the great Caribbean writers. Guest Reviewer: Seemanta.
Alchemy of Resilience: My Rugged Path to Wholeness by Hertha Lund. Hertha is many things, a respected Property Rights Attorney in Montana (Lund Law, PLLC), a Big-Sky ranch owner, an established horsewoman, a survivor, and more recently, a certified Equine Gestalt Coach. She is also the author of her new book describing her life's journey and struggles. We met several years ago at the annual Summit of students and graduates of The Touched by a Horse program, founded by Melisa Pearce. This is a story of searching, surviving, navigating, discerning the events and pitfalls of life, and the guidance she received from both her eclectic faith-based mentors, and the wisdom of her horses, who blessed her life from her first pony when she was three years old, to her small herd who care for her now. Guest Reviewer: Annette Price.
Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace. Podcasts by Lauren Hubele and Jyoti Wind. Listen in on youtube to over 60 talks on Spiritual matters and Astrological Updates. This particular talk is on Death from a Shamanic perspective. Or more recently: An Astrology Update.
Also available on Spotify.
She glides in,
White gossamer robes
Glimmering in colorful shadows
Of red and green.
Magical she was,
Peace her name,
And huge her tasks,
Swelled to global portions
At the moment.
She nodded and sat,
Ready for the world leaders
In their penguin suits
And heavy demeanor.
Her strength was enormous,
As was her kindness,
As she smiled at each of us present.
She knew our hearts
And we knew hers.
The work of Peace
Had entered a new phase.
Jyoti Wind
1st Sunday Astrology Study Group
Each month. RSVP for link
2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti
Each month. RSVP for link.
Walking with the Ancestors
2 Saturday mornings, via Zoom
Jan 13 and 20th. $100. Shamanic Workshop
Imbolc/Brigid’s Day Celebration
Thurs. Feb1 5PM/MST
Pele and the Hawaiin Initiation
Workshop Feb.
Spring Equinox Celebration
March 18, 5PM/MDT
Free Youtube channel: Jyoti Wind
Free classes and worlshops
Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace
Youtube podcasts
Jyoti Wind