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Summer 23 Starshine News

Starshine News Vol.27, #3 Summer 2023

Dear Friends,

Not a lot of people like change. They drag themselves through the necessary and ignore the rest of it. That can work. Then change comes more often for them so they can take care of the layers. Whatever works!

We have come to a place in our days on this planet that a lot of us have read about and looked forward to: the speeding up of consciousness and the dropping of old patterns. Well we are here. Not always comfortable in the actuality of it, yet we knew this was coming.

We are seed-planters for the years ahead. Will we get to enjoy the fruits of our labors in a few hundred years when The Golden Age of Aquarius begins in earnest? We don’t know. Will we have any memory of these times of digging and planting and watering new ideas and concepts? Maybe but probably not, just like most of us don’t remember how we got to this lifetime from the last, if that is even a concept of the way it really is.

So we do what we feel called to do, not because the karma will be good; not because we are self-righteous and know this is the path to ‘heaven’.

Some days we court unknowing as if it’s a spiritual teacher, which it is, and hope for the best. Some days that’s all we can do.

Be Well, Jyoti

Ask yourself

What is really important,

And then have the

wisdom and courage

To build your life

Around that answer.


Astrological Services

Consultations $120


Natal and Transit Readings.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartograpy Maps.

Spiritual Consulting.

Shamanic Journeys, $100.

Children’s Charts: $60 under 14 years old.

Sliding Scale available.

Summer Meditation

Take a few deep breaths. Breathe in this season. Let it fill you, the blossoming, the scents, the colors, the freedom of movement. Go visit trees and introduce yourself. Go lay on the grass and at least walk barefoot on soft grass. Let the Earth’s beauty and magnetism fill you up.

(In my sleep I dreamed this poem)

Someone I loved once gave me

a box full of darkness.

It took me years to understand

that this, too, was a gift.

Mary Oliver

Answering Your Call: A Guide for Living Your Deepest Purpose by John P. Schuster.

“Calls create the urge to do something significant, providing the inner drive that informs us it is time to get on with it.

They provide the sense of being drawn to contribute, to use our wisdom and gifts in ways that benefit others, that enhance life.”

“Calls command that you attach yourself to something infinite and lasting so you can escape the life you thought you deserved and replace it with the life you were meant for.”

The author takes the reader through the definition of what it means to feel called to something in life. He includes exercises at the end of each chapter: on the Saboteur, your own history, the Evocateur, and Courage, as a few examples. An excellent read.

The next Mercury Cycle:

Mercury enters its shadow: Aug.4

Mercury turns Retrograde (Rx): Aug 24

Mercury turns Direct: Sept 15

Mercury catches up: Sept.30

Summer 2023 Astrology Column

July begins with insight into self and a need for freer self-expression. The Full Moon on the 3rd at 5:39AM/MDT brings opportunities to be more emotionally expressive. More of a work ethic comes into play after the 10th along with deeper insights. The New Moon on the 17th at 12:22PM/MDT brings a new cycle of spiritual understanding and yet challenges you around communication. Bring a balance to bear. Challenges on the 20th around energetics, confrontation on the 21st, and Venus turns Retrograde (Rx) on the 22nd and we take our creative minds and value structures inside and work on the until early Sept.

August begins with a Full Moon on the 1st at 12:32PM/MDT and brings lots of creative energy. Be practical, yet keep going. Say what needs to be said. On the 4th, we enter the shadow of the next Mercury Rx cycle. This one is in Virgo, so we are asked to look at our judgements and how do we use discernment instead over the next 3 weeks. Expect the unexpected on the 15th. The New Moon on the 16th at 3:38AM.MDT brings the courage to act, and the advice is to change what is not working. Mercury turns Rx on the 24th at 1:59AM/MDT and we step into an analyzing process of what to keep and what to let go of. The planet Uranus is stationing on the 25-31, loosening things, giving freedom a chance to manifest, and hearing the beat of a different drummer. The Full Moon on the 30th is a Blue Moon, the 2nd Full Moon in August, at 7:36PM/MDT and says things may not always be what they seem. Re-evaluate what’s important. And look out for what usually happens once in a Blue Moon!

September begins with Venus turning Direct on the evening of the 3rd and Jupiter’s expansive energies prevail from 3-6 Sept. We move forward with our priorities expanded and changed. Insights on the 6th and the New Moon on the 14th at 7:40PM/MDT brings a sense of empowerment to set things in motion. Innovation and freedom of self-expression are key. The 20th is an empowering day. The Fall Equinox on the 23rd at 12:50AM/MDT begins the next quarter of the year and we enter with power and a sense of being able to do what’s needed. The Full Moon comes on the 29th at 3:58AM/MDT. In this chart there is a Grand Trine in Earth, Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto. Deeper insights and intuitions. Practical application of what you know. Champion your strengths and see balance. Happy Fall!

Full Moon July 3 5:39AM/MDT

New Moon July 17 12:32PM/MDT

Venus turns Rx July 22 7:33PM/MDT

Full Moon Aug 1 12:32PM.MDT

New Moon Aug 16 3:38AM/MDT

Mercury turns Rx Aug 24 01:59AM/MDT

Full Moon/Blue Moon Aug 30 7:36PM/MDT

Venus Direct Sept 3

New Moon Sept 14 7:40PM/MDT

Mercury Direct Sept 15 2:21PM/MDT

Fall Equinox 12:50AM/MDT

Full Moon Sept 29 3:58AM/MDT

Summer 2023 Book Reviews

The Way It Is By William Stafford

There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding. You don’t ever let go of the thread.

The Others Within Us: Internal Family Systems, Porous Mind, and Spirit Possession by Robert Falconer, 2023 Robert Falconer has been exploring the subject and doing extensive research on others within us and how they are treated worldwide. He has been teaching in this area for decades and has now provided an excellent resource and guidebook on this issue. He brings in spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions, and helps the reader make sense of the phenomenon Internal Family Systems (IFS) has come to call "unattached burdens." He gives clear guidelines and examples for using IFS to work with these burdens and guides. It is an easy read and I greatly appreciate his personal story throughout. Guest Reviewer: Karen Stewart.

The end of mental illness : How neuroscience is transforming psychiatry and helping prevent or reverse mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, addictions, PTSD, psychosis, personality disorders, and more by Dr. Daniel Amen In The End of Mental Illness, Dr. Amen draws on the latest findings of neuroscience to challenge an outdated psychiatric paradigm. His technique of using SPECT scans of the brain's physiology/blood and nerve activity to show damage and low or high brain activity gives his patients and readers a visual image of how their brain is or is not working, helping them take control and improve the health of their own brain, minimizing or reversing conditions that may be preventing them from living a full and emotionally healthy life.

I am a canvas

Upon which

Life has painted herself.

Jyoti Wind

The Astrology Guide: Understanding Your Signs, Your Gifts, and Yourself by Claudia Trivelas More than anything, this is a work of love. This book has been written for the reader's understanding and right interpretation in a full course in Astrological teachings. There are concise pictures of information that are usable and digestible.

The author shares her wisdom in affirming strokes for the reader's ability to utilize and give sight to the ongoingness of each person's evolution.

I highly recommend this book to my students and interested clients. This is an educated work and an adjunct to any Astrological study.

Ancient Mothers of the long ago,

welcome me and my sisters into your clan.

Teach us which stars we came from,

What stories we are to weave to engender life,

And how to stay true in the service

Of She whose body we walk upon.

Jyoti Wind, from The Dreams of the Ancient Mothers Workshop

The House on Tradd Street by Karen White, set in beautiful Charleston (SC) begins a series of

mysteries about old, historic houses with Melanie Middleton as a Realtor. She refuses to admit

that she can see the ghosts who haunt them. The fictional stories relate a reality of ghostly

hauntings. They have good character development in the researched background stories. Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice, author.

A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm. Sloan’s brother Ridge, never came home from a fishing trip with his father, a Vietnam vet, with PTSD. Did a rage bubble up and push him to push his son into the river? Twenty years later, Sloan returns to her hometown and she discovers a young boy is dead and his body found. Is there a connection. Twists and turns. I enjoyed this.

Gunning for Trouble By Renee Pawlish. Jo Gunning, recently an Ex-Army Civil Affairs specialist, meets a would-be street urchin who she knows is not. She lets herself get drawn into a political situation in order to keep the girl safe, from would be kidnappers, the FBI and her father’s Safe Room. A good read.

Calling Us Home by Chris Luttichau. A book on Shamanism that leads you through the this world and its gifts. Using the Directions, he explains how the chakras, the practices and theory, all come together to teach right ethics in this new time of Shamanic work.

Shamans worldwide have kept this ancient wisdom alive, and over the last forty years many have begun to share their knowledge. At this point in time, we are collectively beginning to awaken to it. Shamans are telling us that it is time to take the heritage of our ancient wisdom and step forward into a new world, leaving behind the old ways that have become outdated.

Our remembrance emerges from the ancient shamanic practice of understanding the nature of things, as well as knowing and appreciating the sacred in its physical forms. To know the force behind the form, the spirit under the surface; this is the way of the Shaman.

….Shamanism is a universal spiritual path. The ancestors and spirit guides are there for all people, all races, waiting to be contacted, willing to guide us; anyone who is genuine in their search, and able to speak and listen from the heart, can find them and learn from them. All of us can have shamanic experiences, because spirit is there to lead us wherever we are. ” From Calling Us Home by Chris Luttichau.


When your eyes are tired, the world is tired also.

When your vision has gone, no part of the world can find you.

Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own.

- from SWEET DARKNESS in The House of Belonging, River Flow and DAVID WHYTE: ESSENTIALS


Rose Medicine

The rose spirit came.

I asked if I could

carry her power.

She merged with me,

my heart so open

so full of love,

so sweet in its essence.

I gave thanks

to this divine deva

of love.

Jyoti Wind

1st Sunday Astrology Study Group



Each month. RSVP for link

2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti



Each month. RSVP for link.

Lammas Celebration

End July

Classes and Schedules on web site:

Free Youtube channel: Jyoti Wind

Free classes and worlshops

Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace

Youtube podcasts

Workshops pending:

Gathering Courage in a Time of Change…later July

Soul Retrieval…early Sept.

Jyoti Wind




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