Starshine News Winter 2020
Starshine News
Vol.24, #1
Winter 2020
Dear Friends,
I feel we are on the brink of newness. This new decade begins with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with Uranus stationing Direct the same day (Jan.10), and 2 days away from the exact Saturn/Pluto conjunction. A historic beginning.
We are laying the foundation for a new time. I can feel the excitement already. Saturn and Pluto together on the 12th can be seen as oppressive and yet in 1948 it laid the groundwork for Burma to be independent of the UK, The Kinsey Report on male sexuality emerged, and Mahatma Gandhi stood against Partition by fasting. His own style of revolution. The Marshall Plan was available to aid 16 countries, the World Health Organization was established, and the Berlin Blockade began. All this during that conjunction.
In 1982, HIV was used as the reason for sexual education that raised awareness of the consequences of unprotected sex to even school kids. These discussions had never taken place before. The movie ‘Gandhi’ came out and told his story.
Saturn and Pluto seek to balance unjust conditions and situations. It occurs every 33-35 years. It is about hard work to change things that have outlived their usefulness. We cannot leave things as they are.
On another note, a friend just mentioned that she was looking at 2020 as a vision statement, like from the eye doctor, hoping that this year will give us 2020 vision, a year to see more clearly.
There is a New Moon Eclipse on the Summer Solstice that happens about every 50 years. And the year will end with a Total Solar Eclipse in Dec.2020. A year filled with many opportunities to inspire us to greatness, to bring a larger sense of responsibility to bear, and perhaps to see more clearly where we want to go! We may see what we need to change and find the courage to do it. A true piece of our (r)evolution is at hand! Blessings, Jyoti
Winter Meditation
May I breathe in discernment
and breathe out resistance
so that I know when situations
are true for me.
Astrological Services
Consultations are $120.
They include:
Natal, and Transit Reading.
Relationship Charts.
Astrocartography Maps.
Shamanic Journeys.
Spiritual Consulting.
Children’s Charts:
$60 under 14 yrs.
Sliding scale available
Winter 2020 Astrology Column
January begins with an expansive view of possibilities on the 2nd. The next day, adventure beckons for the next 6 weeks. Uranus brings us a new sense of freedom and independence from the 7th-15th. The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 10th at 10:21 AM/MST is a powerful catalyst for the next 3-6 months. Lose the past and set intentions for this time of change and future possibilities. The 12th brings the exact Saturn/Pluto conjunction. (See Editorial for more.) A time of deep self-searching, to be kinder to oneself and others, and shed any personally oppressive ways. Day of empowerment on the 13th. Unexpected opportunities on the 22nd. The New Moon on the 24th at 2:42PM/MST says relationships my go through transformations. Be creative. Express yourself. The Chinese New year of the Rat begins on Jan.25th. A Rat year brings energy and optimism, sensitivity, yet stubborn of opinion. There is kindness available in 2020. The month ends with questions about one’s own spiritual dreams.
February begins with Mercury entering its shadow on the 2nd. Its journey through Pisces and the end of Aquarius brings thoughts of clarity and confusion and how to see which is which, what’s true and what isn’t. The Full Moon on the 9th at 12:33 AM/MST says to seek balance and don’t assume. Look for the silver lining, the gift in the ordinary. Be willing to expand beyond the status quo. Mercury turns Retrograde on the 16th at 5:54 PM/MST. We begin that inward journey for the next 3 weeks. Courage on the 21st. The New Moon on the 23rd at 8:32 AM/MST brings a concentration of energies. What’s important to you? We end the month with Venus square Pluto on the 28th. Where do you need to drop old opinions and attitudes and relax.
March begins with issues of trust on the 3rd. On the 8th, we shine in our spiritual light. The Full Moon on the 9th at 11:48 AM/.MDT brings strength of emotional intelligence. Trust your feelings. Be willing to go with the flow. Mercury also turns Direct
this day at 9:49 PM/MDT. We begin to move forward. The Spring Equinox is on the 19th at 9:50 PM/MDT and asks us to transform the dream. What is it you want to live out. Ability to move mountains. Which are yours. Saturn moves into Aquarius on the 21st, asking Aquarians to take responsibility for parts of their lives over the next two years. Volatile day on the 22nd. The New Moon on the 24th at 3:28 AM/MDT asks you to appreciate your intelligence and gives a sense of empowerment. Love what you do. Different experiences beckon. Healing day on the 25th. Don’t be extravagant on the 27th. Go with the flow on the 28th. Mercury catches up on the 29th and moves us into new territory. Happy Spring!
Lunar Full Moon Eclipse Jan.10 10:21AM/MST
Uranus turns Direct
Saturn/Pluto conjunction Jan 12 9:59AM/MST
Chinese New Year/Rat Jan.25
Full Moon Feb 9 12:33AM/MST
New Moon Feb 23 8:32AM/MST
Full Moon Mar 9 11:48 AM/MDT
Spring Equinox Mar 19 9:50 PM/MDT
New Moon Mar 24 3:28 AM/MDT
Mercury’s Cycle
Mercury enters shadow Feb.2
Mercury turns Retrograde Feb 16
Mercury turns Direct March 9
Mercury catches up March 29
Winter 2020 Book Reviews
Death at Dearley Manor by Betty Rowlands. In this 2nd book of this series, Sukey Reynolds, a civilian photographer employed by England’s constabulary to take crime scene photos, juggles her teenage son, Fergus, as a single mom. With solving crimes, her ex-husband, her new attraction to the local DCI, she still finds time to solve murders. Am enjoying the series.
Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen. We are led back in time to a honeymoon in Paris, a girl poised on a bridge ready to jump, and a trip to Amsterdam. Fast forward to present time. Kate’s husband died a year ago. Coming out of a grief coma, she takes her 8 year old daughter Devon, south to see the cabins she spent one summer at, at 12 years old. Kate re-meets her great aunt, who is selling the house and cabins. Devon meets an alligator and we touch in with some wonderful magical realism. I so enjoyed this story!
The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D. by Nicole Bernier. On summer vacation with her husband and 2 children at a beach cabin they’ve rented seasonally for years, Kate opens the trunk of her recently deceased friend, Elizabeth. Kate plans to read her friend’s journals over the summer. She becomes deeply engrossed in them, starting at the beginning, written in childhood after the death of E.’s sister. Kate had always believed E was an only child. Other secrets reveal themselves as Kate’s own family interactions are shaded by the journal’s revelations, and Kate wonders about her own marriage and life. A very good read.
Death of a Liar by M.C. Beaton. A Hamish Macbeth Mystery. My introduction to this garrulous policeman up in the Highlands of northern Scotland was delightful. A few deaths, mysterious clues, dead-ends thrown in, and you champion Macbeth as he solves the crimes. A bunch of whiskey, female partnership possibilities, and his dog and cat, all supple side charms to his straightforward manner. A series of 30 novels.
The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton. Laurel witnesses a shocking crime at 16 years old at the hands of her mother. Her whole view of life shifts and changes. Now, as her mother is dying, Laurel investigates her mother’s past, looking for something that would have led her to commit such a startling assault. The author moves between present time and the early 40s as her mother’s story comes to light. An engrossing read.
Dream Gates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death by Robert Moss. Moss brings his view from dreaming reality and shamanism understanding practices to the reader. He leads us through journeys and dream sequences to find ourselves, and those who have departed. I found his chapters on psychopomp work to be very enlightening. (Psychopomps help souls cross over after they have left their physical body in death.)
A Tapestry of Fortune by Elizabeth Berg. Cece has been a motivational speaker for years, yet feels there’s more for her life. Her best friend, Penny, had died 4 months prior. She feels bereft and knows she needs to make some changes. She sells her house and moves into a place with three women already living there. A postcard from an old lover arrives and she ponders her love life, her ongoingness. A road trip takes the 4 women across the Midwest through small towns and tiny cafes, as we learn each woman’s story. An enjoyable read!
The Secret Life of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams. A novel set in Europe in 1914 and in New York City in 1964. We follow Vivian in N.Y., working for a magazine, receiving a package at her local post office. In it is a valise from her Aunt Violet from 1914, as she escaped Berlin. Vivian launches an investigation to find out who this Aunt is, having never heard of her before. Meanwhile her own love life is fairly chaotic. We also join Violet in 1914 as she navigates her life as a scientist and wife, and her own sense of self. I really enjoyed this story.
The Breakdown by B.A. Paris. We are introduced to Cass as she is leaving a gathering of friends and drives home in a blinding rain storm on a back road. The tension is slowly built. Cass passes a car broken down in the downpour, with a woman’s face in the car window. Unsure and afraid, she slows down, then leaves. She arrives home, shaken, and goes to bed. Her husband retired earlier with a migraine in the spare room. In the papers the next morning, is an account of the murdered woman, the woman she saw in the car window as she drove past. Guilt and suppression begin her own breakdown. What follows is suspense, her terror that she is being stalked, and the fear of her mother’s pre-dementia legacy. She is confronted with her possible illness, and her willingness to believe everyone else’s view of who she is. A page turner. Loved it
Murder and Pink Blossoms by Elizabeth Wheeler. A-lady-of-a-certain-age, Ellen Lane. finds a man’s body in her driveway. Her neighbor, who operates an illegal tree trimming company in the alley behind her garage, is the assumed killer. After all, everyone heard him arguing the day before with the dead man. Ellen and her cousin are worried people won’t come now to the Pink Blossoms and Neighborhood Tour they have so carefully prepared. With guides explaining the distinctive architecture and the unique pink blooming trees planted in honor of former First Lady Mamie Eisenhower, who loved the color pink and grew up in the area, hundreds were expected to participate. Kids and their moms plan on raising money for their schools by selling fudge made from Mamie’s recipe. Lots of history, lots of tears, lots of laughs.
A Word on Shamanism
Shaman: The word ‘shaman’, borrowed from the Siberian Tungus tribe culture, refers to one who works only part time as a spiritual guide and healer (he hunts and gathers like everyone else the rest of the time); is independent of organized religions; travels in non-ordinary reality to find what is missing in everyday life, traveling in her dreaming body.
Some shamans are medicine shamans, with a main focus on healing. Other warrior shamans see power as the key to liberation.
Soul Retrieval: This is a journey embarked upon by the shaman to find lost soul pieces. In any traumatic or highly emotional experience, energy is lost. In order to be whole wherever we stand on the planet, it is wise to have as much of ourselves available to us at any given time. The pieces that are retrieved are blown into the client in a traditional way.
Incest survivors, for example, may describe a feeling of leaving their body when the abuse starts. That part that left is vital to their wholeness, to their ability to function more consciously in the world. A place where many people’s lost parts go is referred to as the Void…a place of dark nothingness, where it waits to be reunited with the rest of the self. When these pieces are returned and integrated, there is usually a marked change in the person’s life. Surgery, loss of a loved one, illness, and injury, relationship break-up, can create soul loss.
Black Canyon on the Gunnison
Deep in the stones,
the crevices and ravines,
the voices come.
They welcome, urge,
sing sweetly
to the heart.
They suggest
all is not lost.
Open your heart
and allow
all that is holi
to emerge.
Let it strengthen
and hold you fast,
let it push
you forward
into your time,
here at last.
Jyoti Wind
“You are full of spirits: many special magics, secret skills and creative gifts. These make you uniquely yourself. Spirits visit us: some stay with us, others are just passing through. It depends on whether you are a willing host/ess and are interested in playing with your guests. Co-operating with the spirits is very important. Many people spend lives of misery denying the gifting powers they were born with. Spirits are the teachers and helpers of the shaman and no shamanic work can be done without them.”
Caitlin Matthews, Singing the Soul Back Home.
Green Woman
Gaia is a green woman
tending her kitchen garden
singing field songs in her
olive grove tree house
she sees the world
through eyes of jade
sparkling with emerald thoughts
wearing a sweet dress of maple leaves
her music is
waves of wild oats
her dreams
green the world
Claudia Chapline
Basic Shamanic Workshop Boulder
Lecture and experiential. Learn basic techniques. Find spirit helpers Visit the World Tree and the Land of the Dead..
Feb.15 and 16. 10-3 both days. $150.No experience necessary.
Please respond if interested. Jyoti
My friend, Ammahnda Sia is offering these online conversations.
SACRED PORTALS - Awakening of Consciousness through Ancient and Future Corridors of Light
THE DIVINE FEMININE - Free online Group
(if the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste into your browser, JW)
A free guided meditation: Spider Woman, Weaver of the Web of Life
Jyoti Wind
2635 Mapleton Ave.#9
Boulder, CO 80304
