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Starshine News Spring 2023

Starshine News Spring 2023 Vol.27, #2.

Dear Friends,

In these times of changes, changes that have been hundreds of years in the making and are suddenly here and taking us through our paces, we must remember to breathe and tend our own garden.

Yes, we will be called to be of assistance. And as one human family, it behooves us to help where we can.

Yet we also need to create down time for our nervous systems to find a place of peace and calm. Our bodies are our vehicles here on this planet. We need to give them good food and rest in order for them to perform well and last as long as we need them.

I’ve been very gratified with your responses to my 40+ podcasts over the past year. It is my time to give back, and I’m grateful that some of you have found meaning in them. (Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace on Youtube.)

Time to dream a new dream. Be well, Jyoti

O Goddess grant us thy protection

And in protection, strength

In strength, understanding

In understanding, knowledge

In knowledge, the knowledge of justice

In the knowledge of justice, the love of it

In the love of it, the love of all existences

And in the love of all existences, the love of Goddess and all goodness

Jenny Wren

Spring Meditation

Each morning as you wake, breathe in the new day with gratitude for new opportunities. Bless the sunrise, birds and new growth. Ask for blessings on your new day.

Astrological Services

Consultations $120


Natal and Transit Readings.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Spiritual Consulting.

Shamanic Journeys, $100.

Children’s Charts: $60 under 14 years old.

Sliding Scale available.

“Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.” Rumi

Spring 2023 Astrology Column

We begin April with Mercury entering Taurus square to Pluto on the 3rd. A day of insights. The Full Moon on the 5th at 10:34PM/MDT brings frustration and flow. Check in with yourself. Make your choices well. On the 7th, Mercury enters its shadow and begins the next Mercury Retrograde (Rx) cycle. We get glimpses of, over the next 2 weeks, of what we will be dealing with when Mercury turns Rx on the 21st. What is practical in your life? What choices are you making for the longer term? The 11th brings a powerful day, one of looking at the larger scene.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 19th at 10:13PM/MDT brings a new cycle of expansion, trusting in your own intelligence and pushing past places of being stuck. The 20th says, don’t give your power away. Don’t get caught in other people’s power struggles. Mercury turns Rx at 2:55AM/MDT on the 21st and we are drawn to look inside over the next 3 weeks. What are our priorities. How are we tending them. On the 27th until May 6, with Pluto stationing, we look for transformation. It can find us and give us some things to work on over the next 5 months.

May begins with Pluto turns Rx on the 1st, and we begin an inner change and re-direction. The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th at 11:34PM/MDT and says to listen for that beat of a different drummer. Balance your own priorities with those of others. On the 9th, expect the unexpected. Mercury turns Direct on the 14th at 9:17PM/MDT and we begin to manifest some things we’ve discovered during its Rx motion. Jupiter enters Taurus and will be here for about a year, expanding how we stand on and for the Earth. How do we practically apply what we know.

The New Moon on the 19th at 9:53AM/MDT brings a new cycle at what drives you, where it takes you. Mars enters Leo and opposes Pluto on the 20th and challenges us to see what’s not working and fix it or let it go. The Sun squares Saturn on the 28th and offers us to push past our own self-limitations.

June begins with the Full Moon on the 3rd at 9:42PM/MDT says where do you take your power and own it? Where do you hide out and give it away? Insights on the 4th, freedom needs on the 5th, and Saturn in strong the 17th-19th. Use this energy to organize and create goals. The New Moon on the 18th at 1:14AM/MDT brings a good time for learning. Expand your ideas, your interests.

The Summer Solstice on the 21st at 8:58AM/MDT says over the next quarter, look at what nurtures you and brings you joy. Healing takes many forms including laughter, creative self-expression and downtime. Make healthy choices. On the 26th, erratic energy with Mars and Uranus together. Be mindful! Happy Spring!

Full Moon April 5 10:34PM/MDT

Mercury enters its shadow April 7

Solar New Moon Eclipse 10:13PM/MDT

Mercury turns Retrograde April 21 2:35AM/MDT

Lunar Full Moon Eclipse May 5 11:34AM/MDT

Mercury turns Direct May 14 9:17PM/MDT

New Moon May 19 9:53AM/MDT

Full Moon June 3 9:42PM/MDT

New Moon June 18 1:14AM/MDT

Summer Solstice June 21 8:58AM/MDT

Book Reviews

Swedish and Icelandic Mystery Authors I have been reading:

Asa Larsson, the Rebecka Martinsson Series

Pauline Rowson, The Portsmouth Murders

Lina Bengtsdottir, the Detective Charlie Lager books

Bernadette Calanengo,

Viveca Sten, the Are Murders

Lies My Gov’t Told Me and The Better Future Coming by Robert W. Malone, M.D., MS Robert Malone, inventor of the original mRNA vaccine technology in the late 1980s, didn’t know that he would become an outspoken source on the risks of using it. In his book he, along with other authors, write about how we got her, through the Covid Pandemic. With a forward by Robert F. Kennedy, Malone takes us through the dangers of mass vaccinations and now its aftermath. An informative look at the quieter voices amidst mass hysteria.

Hagitude: Re-imagining the Second Half of Life by Sharon Blackie. The author takes us on her more current journey into older age, into owning her own wisdom, her own path in life, her own grace. A journey into the later years of a woman’s life.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. A sweet and poignant book of drawings and wisdom. I was going to purchase this and a dear friend surprised me with it for my birthday. A book for any age It was recently made into an animated short video and won the ’23 Academy Award in that category. Love this book.

“Sometimes,” said the horse.

“Sometimes what?” asked the boy.

“Sometimes just getting up and carrying on is brave and magnificent.”

From The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

Walking with Rumi: A Contemplative Photographic Journey Interwoven with the Ecstatic Poetry of the Sufi Mystic Rumi by Mike Hamers . Nature photography meets Rumi’s wisdom. A beautiful book. Self Published. .

We are the Earth, and the Earth is us. That is the nature of the deep, embodied knowledge which we can pass on to our young. From Hagitude by Sharon Blackie.

I said to God

Why don't you give me a sign

Shot through by an arrow

A crow fell from the sky

She lay there on the snowbank

I pulled it from her side

Her blood dried on my fingertips

I sat there for a while

I told her I was sorry

That I asked for a sign

It was never my intention

To stop a bird from flying

I keep the arrow with me

The silver fletchings show

Sometimes, the blade, it pricks me

My blood drips on the snow

I see her looking at me

The crow that fell from flight

I know that she forgives me

It's written in her eyes

But I cannot forget it

And since then, God's grown silent

It happened all so quickly

That the arrow pierced her side

I gave the crow my promise

To never look for signs

God, he stays away from me

The crow, she keeps on flying.

- Lila Cancellieri

“Sometimes it is difficult for us as humans to know when our spiritual work is what we would call successful. But the spirits are listening and will respond when destiny can be redirected. What is important is to keep up the work.” Medicine for the Earth by Sandra Ingerman.

We cannot give up!

We must be persistent.

It is a luxury to fall back

And do nothing.

Not stand for ourselves

Nor anyone else.

Not champion our values or others.

We are on a journey of becoming.

The breezes and the evolutionary currents

Are blowing in that direction

And we must follow it.

It’s not just happenstance.

We must be persistent.

We cannot give up!

Jyoti Wind

The Ride of Her Life by Elizabeth Letts. Yes, I am woman who loves horses ~ but this well-written novel is not just about one woman’s connection to horses (which was heart-warming for me) but it is a history lesson of who we were as a nation in 1954. I was two years when Annie Wilkins left her family’s farm (which was being sold for back taxes of less than $100) and set forth from a very small town in Maine with a goal of reaching the Pacific Ocean in California.

At the start of her adventure her traveling companions were her little dog, Depehe Toi, and her trusty steed, Tarzan. In Tennessee she was gifted a prize Tenn. Walking horse named Rex, for the price of telling everyone she met as she crossed the country, where this handsome fellow was from. Did I mention she left in mid-November with a prognosis from her doctor that she had less than two years to live. Annie’s grit and determination alone are inspirational, but the author spent years interviewing folks along Annie’s trail across the United States, diving into small town newspapers and museum records.

Bottom line: this is an inspirational read on many levels – an interesting description of our vast country, the people who befriended her along the way – both poor and humble, rich and famous. She was interviewed many times across the country – listened to by many on the radio - and appeared on the Art Linkletter show in 1956 when she rode into California, with her two horses and Depeche Toi. Guest Reviewer: Annette Price.

The Noble Lie. In Plato’s Republic, the Noble Lie is supposed to make citizens care more for the city-state. The Noble Lie supposed to engender in them devotion for their city (country) and instill in them the belief that they should “invest their best energies into promoting what they judge to be the city’s best interests.” Writing as Socrates, Plato’s introduction to the Republic’s notorious “Noble Lie” comes near the end of Book 3. “We want one single, grand lie which will be believed by everybody—including the rulers, ideally, but failing that the rest of the city.” In essence, the Noble Lie is a falsehood that, if people can be made to believe it, will cause the citizens to be strongly motivated to care for the city and one another. This is essentially Plato’s justification for state-based propaganda. From Lies My Gov’t Told Me by Robert Malone.

1st Sunday Astrology Study Group



Each month. RSVP for link

2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti



Each month. RSVP for link.

Beltane Celebration

Sunday, April 30, 5PM/MDT


Summer Solstice Celebration

Tues. June 20, 5PM/MDT


Classes and Schedules on web site:

Youtube channel: Jyoti Wind

Free classes and worlshops

Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace

Youtube podcasts

Workshops pending:

Protection Class, 2 sessions

Dancing with Your Allies

Soul Retrieval

The Dreams of the Ancient Mothers

The New Earth: Working with the Angelic Kingdom

Jyoti Wind




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