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Starshine News Spring 2022

Starshine News

Vol.26, #2

Spring 2022

Dear Friends,

Challenges abound. Try to see the larger picture and not get caught in the fray.

Where is life pushing you to leave old beliefs behind, beliefs that were meant for a smaller life, a life built on someone else’s values, perhaps. Where are you able to make room for a larger view of yourself and how you want to live.

We’re all in service to life. We are here, besides for our own transformation and growth, to a transformer for the Earth, Herself. We are bringing in the vertical cosmic energies an in allowing them to pass through us, they are conducted into the Earth for Her evolution and growth. It is a symbiotic relationship at its finest!

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes and patience for postponed readings and classes. This time has been a valuable learning curve about receiving. It is the gem in the rough. Thank you!

Be well, Jyoti

Spring Meditation From that quiet place inside, send love and Light to the world, envisioning a soft blanket surrounding the globe. There are many places that need love and Light, from victims to aggressors. Breathe in and send it out from your heart.

Astrological Services

Consultations are $120.

They include:

Natal, and Transit Reading.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Shamanic Journeys.

Spiritual Consulting.

Children’s Charts:

$60 under 14 yrs.

Sliding scale available

Check out my free YouTube Channel for classes and interviews.

Spring 22 Astrology Column

April begins with healing and personal insight. On the 4th with Mars and Saturn together, it feels like driving with the brakes on…stop, go! Jupiter and Neptune come together on the 12th in the a.m. (MT) and is the signature aspect of the year. Expansiveness in music and spirituality, but be mindful of not going overboard. Full Moon on the 16th at 12:55PM/MDT. How are you managing your power? Owning it or giving it away? Where are taking responsibility for your own and others’ freedoms. Challenging day on the 18th. Pluto is stationing April25-May 5. Days of possible transformation and intensity. Mercury enters its shadow on the 26th, and we begin an introspective phase. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 29th at 12:58PM/MDT and we begin 5 months of inner work as we do every year. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 30th at 2:28PM/MDT talks about communication and shadow-tending in relationships. New cycle of innovation and exploration.

May begins with a day of unexpected events on the 5th. Mercury turns Retrograde (Rx) on the 10th at 5:47AM/MDT and we spend the next 3 weeks working on more internal issues. The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 15th at 10:14PM/MDT asks us to find ways of being more flexible. Try new things and new approaches. Day of strength on the 19th. Insights on the 25th and an increase of energy and activity on the 29th. The New Moon at 5:30AM/MDT on the 30th brings a high concentration of energies and emotionally transformative opportunities.

June begins with Saturn stationing 2-8 June, a time of focus. Mercury turns Direct on the 3rd at 2AM/MDT and we begin to move out of the contemplative time frame of the previous 3 weeks. The Full Moon on the 14th at 5:52AM/MDT brings a need to look deeper for truth and clarity. On the 16th, a flow of self-discipline for making things happen. Trust issues may arise on the 18th. The Summer Solstice on June 21 at 3:14AM/MDT suggests personal changes are afoot and risk-taking vs playing it safe is an over-arching challenge. The New Moon on the 28th at 8:52PM.MDT forms a concentration of energies, pushing to bring forth creative and learning environments. Try something new!!!! Happy Summer!!!!

Full Moon April 16 12:55PM/MDT

Mercury enters its shadow April 26

New Moon Solar Eclipse April 30 2:28PM/MDT

Mercury turns Rx May 10 5:47AM/MDT

Lunar Full Moon Eclipse 10:14PM/MDT

New Moon May 30 5:30AM/MDT

Mercury turns Direct June 3 2AM/MDT

Full Moon June 14 5:52AM/MDT

Summer Solstice June 21 3:14AM/MDT

New Moon June 28 8:52PM/MDT

Spring 22 Book Reviews

Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise Riotte: Companion Planting. An old favorite of mine to drag out in Spring. Vegetables that work together to keep each other healthy and planting by the moon phases.

Girls Like Us by Cristina Alger. East coast, Long Island murder mystery. Fast paced. FBI agent Nell Flynn, home on leave to bury her father, a former cop at the local police station. Bodies are found, Nell is invited into the case as she grew up with half of the local police as ‘uncles’. She investigates and pulls all the missing parts together, past and present.

Disappearance by Julien Ayotte. WITSEC, the witness protection program run by the U.S. Marshall’s Service, has a leak. A ‘phantom’ assassin is taking out the witnesses. The director of WITSEC, Paul O’Malley, must find out who and what is going on. Really enjoyed this!

Astral: A Jack Doyle Paranormal Mystery by Mark Reeder. Detective Jack Darvesh Doyle investigates Seattle’s Chinatown and the two main gangs that control what happens there. A series of murders ensues. No clues. Nothing but a bloodless corpse. He’s been given 3 days to solve it before the city is plunged into a gang war. Not your ordinary mystery, yet an absorbing and interesting storyline. I really enjoyed this. Available on Amazon.

The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith (aka J.K. Rowling). A contemporary mystery set in London. A supermodel seems to have committed suicide, falling from her balcony to lie face down in the snow. Her brother has doubts and hires private detective Cormoran Strike to check on it. Strike has a myriad of his own problems, including being suddenly homeless, a new office temp, war wounds and a need for quick cash. He takes the case. First in a trilogy. Loved it.

JUST FYI: Seminis and De Ruiter veggie seed brands are owned by Monsanto/Bayer, purveyor of GMO seeds.

“When you give in to helplessness, you collude with despair and add to it. When you take back your power and choose to see the possibilities for healing and transformation, your creativity awakens and flows to become an active force of renewal and encouragement in the world. In this way, even in your own hidden life, you can become a powerful agent of transformation in a broken darkened world. There is a huge force field that open when intentions focuses and directs itself toward transformation.” John O’Donohue. To Bless the Space Between Us.

Whatever journey we imagine ourselves to be on, myth and fairy tales can inform our sense of what is possible, and enable us not just cope with life’s challenges, but to live more intensely, and more richly, in the world. The Enchanted Life by Sharon Blackie.

The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware. Hal receives a letter to settle an estate and her presence is required. She knows there’s been a mistake. However, tired of her poverty and afraid of the man stalking her to repay a loan, she travels to the mansion estate and meets her ‘relatives’ for the first time. Old Mrs. Westaway had died, leaving a confusing and dangerous legacy regarding her legacy, perhaps by design. Hal comes to realize that her beliefs about family and especially her mother may not be what she thought. I found it engrossing!

When I enter the woods

I vibrate to green.

Not sure of megahertz,

just the feeling.

When trees speak,

my tension dissolves

and I feel one

with everything around me.

My gratitude courses

through all of me

like a colorful rainbow

of energy.

To be seen and known

that deeply

is eternal nourishment

for me.

I would imagine Heaven,

in that vernacular,

would be a family of trees

with their hearts out.

Jyoti Wind

Interviews with other shamanic practitioners and audio blogs on shamanic subjects. A gold mine of information.

Ever since Happiness heard your name,

It has been running through the streets

Trying to find you.

And several times in the last week,

God Himself has come to my door-

So sweetly asking for your address,

Wanting the beautiful warmth of your heart’s fire.


There is a Zen story about a man who was chased by a wild tiger to the edge of a cliff. Standing on the precipice, the man lost his footing and slid down the embankment until he caught himself on an exposed root. He looked down to the raging river hundreds of feet below him. If he climbed back up, the tiger would eat him; if he dropped to the river, he would drown. In fact, the tiger might come down the embankment and get him anyway, or his strength would give out and he would no longer be able to hang from the root. He was terrified.

Then he noticed a wild strawberry growing just inches from his face. He looked up at the tiger; he stared down at the raging river.

Then calmly, he ate the wild strawberry. From Yearning for the Wind: Celtic Reflections on Nature and the Soul by Tom Cowan.

The Bladehoner Series by Maria Kvilhaug –‘ a Norwegian historian of religions and specializes in pre-Christian Old Norse culture of Scandinavia.

About the Life of the Oseberg Priestess (783-834 AD) – remains found in a burial

Book one – The Hammer of Greatness

Book two – My Enemy’s Head

Book three- The Hel Runes’ Claim

Book four – A Twisted Mirror

Thank you, Terra Rafael. I have not read these, but will check them out.

2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti

Apr 10 Free


RSVP for Zoom link

Psychopomp Workshop

April 14 6 weeks

Thurs evenings 6PM $150.

Via Zoom

Shamanic skills needed

Advanced course

Beltane Celebration

Friday evening, 6PM, April 29

Free via Zoom

Soul Retrieval Workshop

evenings 6PM/MST May-June

4 weeks $100.

2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti

May 8 Free


RSVP for Zoom link

Jyoti Wind





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