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Starshine News Fall 2024



Starshine News

Vol.29, #1

Fall 2024


Dear friends,

This is the first newsletter in over 20 years that is late. A new member of our family arrived and I spaced out this missive. My apologies.

I am contemplating offering a 4 month Psychopomp Training beginning in the new year, 2025. Let me know if this is of interest to you. Basic Shamanic skills would be necessary. Psychopomp work is a vital piece of Shamanism, helping to clear the energies of the place in-between life and after life, helping souls find their way after the death of the body, toward the Light. Many people die in accidents, catastrophes, etc. and are in shock when they reach the other side. This work helps them find their way to a portal of Light to continue on. If this feels meaningful to you, please let me know. I can recommend some books on the subject as well.

Writing this in early October, I am aware that Pluto is stationing now, 3-20 Oct., and the level of intensity is apparent. Between Solar Flares, the ferocity of planetary storms and floods, and an election coming for the U.S., one can feel like they are in the eye of the storm. Any meditation techniques you can employ to keep the peace inside yourself, is a plus for you. Exercise helps as well. Getting out and connecting with Nature also gives one a wider view and calms the nervous system.

This Newsletter is dedicated to a dear friend, Jean O’dell Bell, 1943-2024. She was a light to her family.

Happy Holidays and Blessings,  Jyoti


Astrological Services

Consultations $150.


Natal and Transit Readings.

Relationship Charts.

Spiritual Consulting.

Shamanic Healing Work

Astrocartography Readings $200

Children’s Charts: $60 under 10 years old.    11-18 years, $100.

Sliding Scale available.

Fall Meditation: Take a long deep breath. Breathe into that place of Gratitude inside you. Remember the gifts that have been given to you, including this life. Breathe Gratitude throughout your body. Sit quietly in that feeling.


Fall 2034 Astrology Column

October began with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on Oct.2 at 12:49PM/MDT. It was a new cycle of seeking the Truth, and seeing what gets in our way. Pluto stations from the 3-20 of Oct. and it’s a time of deep intensity. Mars enters its shadow on the 5th and we begin a journey of many months, looking at the type of world we want to live in. Jupiter turns Retrograde (Rx) and we begin an inner journey of re-assessing our beliefs about life (until Feb.25). Pluto turns Direct on Oct.11 at 6:34PM/MDT and we begin to bring into conscious thought and action that which we have been working on, in an inner way, for the past 5 months. Mercury squares Pluto on the 13th giving us a deeper look at things. Some frustration on the 14th. The Full Moon on the 17th at 5:26AM/MDT brings a Cardinal Grand Cross with the Sun opposite the Moon and Mars oppose to Pluto. Big push to step off the cross of suffering needlessly and begin to make choices that invite you into a life that you can get behind and that gives you joy.  The 22nd brings power plays, a flow of walking your talk on the 25th, and explore your curiosity on the 30th.


We enter November with a New Moon on the 1st at 6:47AM/MDT. Here is a new cycle of taking responsibility for your emotions and how you express them. React or respond. A lot of healing available with Mercury-Mars-Neptune in a Grand Trine in Water. Mars and Pluto in a dance on the 3rd as Mars enters Leo and pride becomes something to notice. Mercury enters its shadow on the 5th in Sagittarius and we look at our philosophy of life over the next several weeks. What still serves us. Trust issues emerge on the 12th, and Saturn stations on the 12-19th of November. What are our self-limitations and our goals. The Full Moon on the 15th at 2:28PM/MST brings uncertainty. Chart your own course. Set your own goals regardless of what’s going on around you. On the 16th, expect the unexpected. The 18th brings a flow of spiritual awareness and on the 19th at 1:29PM/MST, Pluto re-enters Aquarius and stays for the next 10 years. We are entering a new dispensation, a new time of wanting freedom as a daily practice not something to have to fight for. Mercury turns Retrograde (Rx) at 7:42PM/MST on the 25th and we enter 3 weeks of meditative self-discovery. A dynamic day on the 27th and we end November with a New Moon on the 30th at 11:21PM/MST. (It’s a Blue Moon for those in the West/USA). Balance of I and we.


December begins with Neptune stationing 4-14th Dec. Days of dreaming and looking at your own truth. Mars turns Rx on the 6th and we begin a deeper, inner journey with our physical life, and asking are we living the dream we want to be living. Empowerment of the 7th, especially as Neptune turns Direct, and we begin to more fully manifest our spiritual truths. The Full Moon on the 15th at 2:02AM/MST also comes on the day that Mercury turns Direct (1:56PM/MST. Emotional connections and communications feel easier. Own your own intelligence. The Winter Solstice on Dec.21 at 2:21AM/MST says relationships need attention. How do you use alone time: digress into loneliness or use the time for self and your own projects. New Moon on Dec.30 at 3:27PM/MST. (A Blue Moon for those on the East Coast). Things may come unexpectedly. Set goals, be flexible. Energy for forward movement. You are shedding your past.

Happy Holidays!!!!



Mercury’s Cycle

Enters shadow Nov 7

Rx Nov 25

Direct  Dec 15

Catches up  Jan2, ‘25


Mars Cycle

Enters shadow  Oct 5

Rs  Dec 6       

Direct  Feb 25’25

Catches up  May 2 ‘25


Solar New Moon Eclipse  Oct 2  12:49PM/MDT

Pluto Direct  Oct 11  6:34PM/MDT

Full Moon  Oct 17  5:26AM/MDT

New Moon  Nov 1   6:47AM/MDT

Pluto enters Aquarius  Nov 19  1:29PM/MST

Mercury turns Rx  Nov 25  7:42PM/MST

New Moon  Nov 30  11:21PM/MST

Full Moon  Dec 15  2:02AM/MST

Mercury Direct  Dec 15  1:56PM/MST

Winter Solstice  Dec 21  2:21AM/MST

Dec 30  New Moon   3:27PM/MST












I see you turning…


I see you turning

Toward Grace,

Towards the absolute

Truth of your soul,

In the present moment,

Releasing everything

Between you and that

Infinite Light.

I see you turning.


   Jyoti Wind



Fall 2024 Book Reviews


The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley is a simple title for an intricate, deeply researched story of historical fiction that introduces time travel in the best possible, believable way. It takes you from modern Cornwall, England to the 1700s story of intrigue and love and leaves you wanting to know more about reincarnation. ~ Arlene S. Bice, Editor; The Family Tree anthology


The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley is historical fiction at its best because the author researches her subject deeply then writes a gripping story. This one examines modern day mental telepathy in Scotland and weaves a story of psychometry that takes us to eighteenth century Russia.

~ Arlene S. Bice, Editor; The Family Tree anthology.



May we walk kindly on the earth,

May we realize

we are where Earth and Spirit meet.

May we embody love when we can.

   Jyoti Wind









In twilight's tender glow

our hearts entwine

With understanding deep

your soul meets mine

Compassion's gentle touch


a sacred art

Love's whispered promise

echoing through the heart


Through trials and tears

our bond remains strong

With understanding

we right every wrong

Compassion guides us

lighting every way

In love's pure essence

we forever stay

   Margaret Wildflower




My brother turned me on to the Wyoming author, C.J. Box, in particular, the Joe Picket novels.  This series is the kind of captivating, fast-paced, page-turning books that make me want to quit my job, curl up, and read. I just took the 13th book in the series, Breaking Point, back to the library.  An ordinary hard-working family, who has played within the rule book all their lives, is targeted by government agencies and tormented until … something breaks. It is horrifying to watch the story unfold, and forces me to deal with all my own demons and wondering what I would do.  And then to find out in the credits that this story-line very closely resembles a real-life scenario, and actually happened to a family in Idaho, numbed me to the core.  I am blessed to live on a small farm in Colorado, but wonder what could happen to all that I have worked for.


So, to keep my job, and take a break from the heart-stopping life of Joe Picket and his family, I pick up another book and head down south, to my beloved New Mexico and the heat of Arizona.  I read, loved and mourned the loss of Tony Hillerman. For some persnickety reason, I did not read on when his daughter, Anne Hillerman, picked up the reins.  Anne’s books have fleshed out the character of Bernadette Manuelito, and in The Way of the Bear , her descriptions of the Bears Ears National Monument in southern Utah was phenomenal.  I have “known” these main characters for decades now, but have added another destination onto my bucket list of real-life places to visit. Another excuse to pack the car and head out!

 I have been “reading” back-and-forth from Wyoming to the desert southwest for many months now.  Thank you for taking this road trip through literature with me. (Guest Reviewer: Annette Price)




What is the word for dyslexia of Nature-

Not knowing how to read or commune with, for example, a feather?

Once ancestors were fluent in that language-

Interpreting tracks of some creature that slithers

Or noting the weather coming near from over the horizon.

Today success is too often measured not by our connection to the actual world,

But by our ability to use scribbles on paper

               Or printed words to communicate.

The move towards pictorial communications- videos, memes, & emojis

is still only a faint echo of reality

Replacing our birthright of communion with Nature.

    Terra Rafael



By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult. My book club suggested this mainstream new novel and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It illustrates past and present sexism in the theater world – through the lives of a modern day New Yorker, Melina Green, and her ancestor who is a likely author of some of Shakespeare’s plays, Emilia Bassano. Picoult paints a picture of the hard life those centuries ago and its echoes in today’s world.

Emilia is forced to reinvent herself over and over by circumstances of the world.

The intertwining time lines show the qualities needed for women to survive in a man’s world.

I only wonder if this book is a little too late…. Do the restrictions against women writers still apply as a few decades ago? (Guest Reviewer: Terra Rafael)



Feathers of truth float by.

Dyslexia appears at every turn

As one looks to the horizon

For the bigger picture.

There’s clouds of doubt that slither by.

Clarity is not the name of the game.

I wonder what will constitute success

When the smoke clears.

   Jyoti Wind



1st Sunday Astrology Study Group



Each month. RSVP for link


2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti



Each month. RSVP for link.


Samhain Celebration

Oct 30    5PM/MDT

Free. Open to all.


Psychopomp Training


 4 months


Free Youtube channel: Jyoti Wind

Free classes and worlshops


Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace

Youtube podcasts






 Jyoti Wind










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