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Spring '24 Starshine News

Starshine News

Vol.28, #2

Spring  2024

Dear Friends,

Well, the big news, besides the Eclipses this Spring, is that Mercury turned Retrograde (Rx) April 1. (See Astrology Column)

We are being drawn inside to rethink where we are going, what we stand for, and where we are willing to take risks.

We can use this time frame (3 weeks) and make great strides by consciously using this Mercury Rx time.

Some days feel more difficult than others. We are all being pushed through an energetic squeeze to upgrade our thinking and perceptions. We are being stretched like a pregnant woman, being offered a larger vision of possibilities.

Be of service where you can. We are all on this journey together. Be open to doing your life differently. As we used to say, “Keep the Faith!”

Blessings, Jyoti

Gautama Buddha.


Spring Meditation: If you can, walk barefoot on the Earth. Whether in a garden, on a beach, or in the woods. Allow the Earth and Her natural magnetics to ground you and help keep you present.


Astrological Services

Consultations $200


Natal and Transit Readings.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Readings.

Spiritual Consulting.

Shamanic Healing Work

Children’s Charts: $60 under 10 years old.

11-18 years, $100.

Sliding Scale available.

Spring ’24 Astrology Column

April begins with Mercury turning Retrograde (Rx) on the 1st at 4:14PM/MDT. We are in for 3 weeks of relooking at our impulses, our goals, and how we express our authenticity. It’s an opportunity to look more deeply inside. Sense of adventure on the 4th. The Solar New Moon Eclipse on the 8th at 12:04PM/MDT brings a new vision, a new cycle of what’s possible over the next 3-6 months. It’s an invitation from the future. Energization on the 10th and we move into Taurus on the 19th. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on the 20th at 8:27PM/MDT can bring a realization of long-held dreams. It’s an auspicious aspect of luck and timing and unexpected opportunities. It is the signature aspect of the year ahead. Power struggles possible on the 21st and the Full Moon falls on the 23rd at 5:49PM/MDT. This Moon brings challenges around openness and protecting the secrets one keeps, as well as healing insights. Mercury turns Direct on the 25th at 6:54AM/MDT and we begin to see how to implement our insights from the previous 3 weeks. We end April with Pluto stationing (the same degree and minute)from April 26-May 10, a time of intensity and the beginning of an inward transformational aspect we make every Spring to the end of Summer, as Pluto goes Rx.

May begins with Pluto turning Rx on the 2nd and we look more deeply. The New Moon on the 7th at 9:22PM/MDT brings expansiveness, empowerment, and healing visions. Expect the unexpected on the 13th and a change of perspective is offered on the 17th. Feeling larger on the 18th and we enter Gemini on the 20th. Empowering day on the 22nd with the Sun trine Pluto. You can manage everything on the table. The Full Moon on the 23rd at 7:53AM/MDT brings challenges to tending to the details, yet looking at the larger picture, asking you what is it time for?  Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th  and we begin a year of expansive communication. Writing, networking all flourish with Jupiter in Gemini. We end the month with Mercury conjunct Uranus, giving us intuitive insights for the road ahead.

June begins with Jupiter trine Pluto on the 2nd, and we feel very empowered to expand our gifts and lessons. Deeper insights on the 3rd and appreciation of beauty on the 4th. The New Moon on the 6th at 6:38AM/MDT says own your own vision. Where do you get in your own way? The power is there to change it. More grounded energy after the 8th with Mars entering Taurus. On the 11th, with Mars square Pluto, it’s a day to be kind and not invite confrontation. The Summer Solstice on the 20th at 2:51PM/MDT says the next quarter of the year brings a lot of feelings to the surface that want to be articulated. Be flexible. The Full Moon on the 21st at 7:08PM/MDT shows a flow of creativity. Can goals and nurturing co-exist? We end June with Saturn stationing from June 27-July 2, Saturn turning Rx on the 29th. We are working on our internal authority over the next 5 months, including inner work and our own self-discipline. Happens every year around this time.     Happy Summer!!!


Mercury turns Rs  April 1  4:14PM/MDT

Solar New Moon Eclipse  April 8  12:04PM/MDT 

Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction April 20  8:27PM/MDT

Full Moon  April 23  5:49PM/MDT 

Mercury turns Direct   April 25  6:54AM/MDT

New Moon   May 7  9:22PM/MDT

Mercury catches up   May 14

Full Moon   May 23   7:53AM/MDT

Jupiter enters Gemini  May 25

New Moon  June 6  6:38AM/MDT

Summer Solstice  June 20  2:51PM/MDT

Full Moon  June 21  7:08PM/MDT


Spring 2024 Book Reviews

The Other Side of the Fence : Life on Both Sides of the Color Line, Cynthia Hudgins.  This book came to me because it was written by my neighbor’s mother and I was really curious because I had heard snippets of what it was about.  The author writes, “Two people have written this book. The first person was the child who was still hurting, who hadn’t reconciled the past with the present, who didn’t want to be what she was. The other is the adult who faced her demon and laid it to rest for once and for all.”  Cynthia grew up and lived in Coronado, California, from 1921 to 1940. It explores, first hand, the very real psychological trauma of growing up with a fair complexion, resembling her Scottish mother, but suffering from the taunts and persecution from white residents of this small town who were very much aware that her grandparents were African American, and judged her for that her entire life. Although the cruel behaviors lessened as she moved out into the world, it never really ended even as she carried it all in her own heart’s memory. Her story fascinated me and the many family pictures included in the book, were so enlightening.  Guest Reviewer:  Annette Price


‘The Inner Mind perceives from a place of deeper truth; its view is not based on wounds and trauma from life experience. On one level the Inner Mind has individuality, because no two are exactly alike, so it would be correct to say that each person’s is unique. But ultimately this doesn’t matter; the Inner Mind represents the entire development through which you have journeyed on the soul level. It is the sum total of a soul that has wandered through lifetimes.

The Inner Mind will always know what is best for you, and that means it can guide you. This is one of the reasons why appreciation and gratefulness are so important: appreciation brings you closer to your Inner Mind, and contact with your Inner Mind bring contact with all experience, knowledge and wisdom that your soul possesses. The Inner Mind will help you become conscious of your own soul’s development. You can appreciate all things, no matter what their scale: your life, or the fragrance of a rose. There are many things to be grateful for: waking up every day and being alive on Mother Earth; learning new lessons; constantly growing one step at a time; being provided with everything that we need to live, food, shelter, tools and clothing, as well as what the mind and heart need…choosing to be grateful is our privilege as human beings.’  (Calling Us Home by Chris Luttichau).


This May Be

Reality may change

but time will never

There was nothing before

There will be nothing again

but there is always something

if not nothing

Sometimes you need to turn around

to go forward

to complete the circle

Truly a miracle

Truly a precious moment

This second

This Now  

Margaret Wildflower


I slept on the edges

In the arms of the desert

My footsteps vanished

As they came to beThe earth,

it screamed

While I lay and dreamed

I walked between worlds

As the gods wove my dreams.   Lila Cancellieri


I’ve been reading different mystery series: Gretta Mulrooney, The Lady Vanishes, Welsh Mystery series.

Gaynor Torrance, The Caerphilly Mountain Killings, Scottish Mystery series.

For those of you interested in a different aspect of Astrology, New Stars, New Era: 10 new planets by Alan Clay. A look at the Dwarf Planets and their interpretation.



Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams 

Historical novel narrated from the perspective of a young girl. Due to the loss of her mother at birth she spends most her days in the scriptorium with her father, who is a lexicographer editing the first Oxford Dictionary. Multi- layered,  women-empowering and historically rich, you won’t want it to end. Guest Reviewer: Donna Salvadore.


In the Writing Group, our prompt was May My Heart…

May My Heart

May my heart be open to the adventure I am beginning to sense on the horizon.

May my heart be strong and vigilant in reading the territory ahead, assessing the sights and smells in their truest form.

May my heart be able to leave behind all judgement and walk beyond all that has been known to us thus far.

            Because my heart and I are seeking the newness of this third lane of life.

            We know it has much to offer.

            The JOY of the Unknown.

            The Brilliance.      Annette Price


May My Heart…

May my heart beat true,

Reverberating my truth into the world.

May my head stay clear,

Connecting my senses with my inner senses.

May my womb bear fruit,

Creating beauty honoring this world & the hidden worlds.

May my feet grow deep,

So my Spirit can grow large between the Above & the Below.

   Terra Rafael


May My Heart…

May my heart be open to understanding

And the tender mercies required of a listening ear.

May my heart always remember its job even when tough love emerges

In my words,

And that job is to keep loving.

May my heart remind me of when I am near

To closing its doors in self-protection,

May my heart be the first voice I hear every morning,

And may my heart be the reminding voice

Of who I really am.  Jyoti Wind



Prayer to Own my Shadow


May my heart… Find clarity as I attempt to own my shadow.

May my heart… Keep me honest and looking with sincerity.

May my heart… Guide me through my rage and gain insights.

May my heart… Learn insights about how I incited myself.

May my heart… Find peace around all of this.   Susan McCallum

May My Heart…

May my heart find its rhythm.

“Is it better?” and “Is it all gone?” and “Everything is just fine now, right?” I ask my doctor

each visit.

She laughs, puts the stethoscope down, and says,” No. It’s still all over the place. But as long

as it doesn’t bother you, we’ll just continue with …”

And it doesn’t really bother me. Sometimes I hear its loud irregular drumbeats, but they don’t

hurt, not like other parts of me. They do get my attention, but that’s not a bother. I take deep

long breaths and wish, “ Please Dear Heart, may you just readjust yourself to normal boring

quiet beats?”  Deedee Carr


Light, Art & Love: A Photo Memoir of Our Years in Monet& Giverny by Cello Bennett. The title tells it all. Any lover of the Impressionists’ art will enjoy reading it and gazing at their photos. A book that will lift anyone’s spirits. I was sorry when it ended. Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice, author of Rumors and Other Short Stories.

The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist, This is an intellectually challenging book well worth the effort. While all in my book club agree he’s a bit long winded, he serves to illustrate the difference between the simplifications of the Left Brain and the connectedness of the Right Brain.  I find it so relevant to shamanic work. Contact me if you want to talk about it! Guest Reviewer: Terra Rafael.  

Remarkable Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. An easy flowing read, this book is a joy. It’s about relationships between humans and octopus and other humans. I resisted yet another book about animals in our book club but, loved it once I started. Guest Reviewer: Terra Rafael.

Hail Mary Project by Andy Weir. This science fiction book is by the same author as The Martian, which was made into a movie. I like this one even better.  It’s in the near future. Astronauts are called to go on a Hail Mary mission to save planet earth from an impending doom. Meanwhile, an alien civilization does the same and the astronauts meet up and work together.  So cool!    Guest Reviewer: Terra Rafael





I just came from the movie theater and watched Cabrini. my local theater had already sent the movie on because it wasn’t grossing enough at the box office. I found another theater and went with friends to watch it. What a beautiful film. The writing the acting the cinematography the message it was all on pointYou don’t have to be Catholic to enjoy this movie. It is about strength of character and a long vision. It is the strength of women. It is Feeding right into the theme of immigration right now that so many cities across the country are dealing with. And for me personally, having been born in New York City, it gave me a look at what the city was like in the 1890s, pretty shocking in some parts.I hope more people go to see it and tell their friends about it. I think it could be one of those word-of-mouth films that suddenly takes off and has to be brought back to a theater because people want to see it.I am amazed that Catholic schools aren’t taking their classes to go see this film, a film about one of their own, who was canonized as a saint years ago ,And if you happen to be an Italian immigrant or even Irish, German or Polish, this film is about what your people suffered when they first came here, the prejudice, the rejection, the ridicule, just like all the immigrants coming into this country now.I think Angel Studios did a fantastic job, as did the cast and cinematographer.  Jyoti Wind



1st Sunday Astrology Study Group



Each month. RSVP for link


2nd Sunday Shamanic Study Group with Jyoti



Each month. RSVP for link.


Beltane Celebration

April 30   5PM/MDT

Free. Open to all.

                                                                       Via Zoom

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Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace

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 Jyoti Wind














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