Reclaim Your Voice/Women's Writing Group
Reclaim Your Voice
Women’s Writing Group
Thurs mornings at 10-11:30AM/MST
via Zoom
4 sessions, $40.
Feb 4, 11, 18, 25
We will write together and share together in real time. There will be prompts and writing exercises to ‘prime the pump.’ It is not a critique group. It is a class to allow your voice to be heard; to listen to another person’s writings and thoughts; and to share your own.
Let me know if you are interested and I will send you the Zoom link. Payment can be made through PayPal or Venmo. I have led women’s writing groups for the past 15 years, have self-published 14 books of poetry, prose, and anthologies. Please join me.
Jyoti Wind 303.541-9106