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Imbolc and Brigid Celebration

Brigid and Imbolc Celebration

Imbolc, which means ‘in the belly’ is the time of lambing, and the first small growths of Spring, so those new lambs have something to eat. We celebrate the newness of the season, not yet officially Spring.

The Goddess Brigid is celebrated this day, as Herself, as St. Brigid, as the keeper of the wells, and the White Goddess. It is the return of the Sun’s warmth and increasing the power over the coming months.

A time of promise, hope, letting go of the past and make a dedication to new beginnings. What was conceived at the Winter Solstice now begins to manifest. Time to shine our own light and bring our unique gifts to offer.

A time of sharing our creative work and future plans.

Join us for our Imbolc and Brigid Celebration. Rattle and Drums. Candles to light. Seeds to bless. A large bowl of water to consecrate to flushing out the old and blessing the new.

Feb.1, Wed. evening 5PM/MST

Zoom, free.

No Shamanic experience needed.

Contact me if you are interested and I will send a Zoom link.


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