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Astro Update 9 3 21

Sunday, Sept.5 at 9:07 AM/MDT, Venus squares Pluto. Share power. Be aware of power struggles.

The New Moon is on Monday/Labor Day, Sept.6 at 6:52PM/MDT. Along with the New Moon, Mars trines Pluto, Venus trines Jupiter and the Sun trines Uranus. A new cycle of making things happen. A time of empowerment. Focus your energy. Enjoy the opportunities that unexpectedly come to you. Be practical and innovative without extravagance.

Mercury enters its shadow of the next Retrograde (Rx) period on Tues. Sept. 7th as it also opposes Chiron the healer, signifying that this will be a cycle of healing the mind. Mercury will be in Libra during the whole of the Rx period and is asking us to look at our relationships, our equality needs, our diplomacy, and how we seek to balance the mind and its thinking properties.

Mercury’s Cycle:

Mercury enters its shadow: Sept.7

Mercury turns Retrograde: Sept.26

Mercury goes Direct: Oct.18

Mercury catches up: Nov 3.

“Everything in the universe is a pitcher brimming with wisdom and beauty.”



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