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Astro Update 4 17 22

Astro Update 4 17 22

Mercury began its Retrograde (Rx) cycle on Saturday April 9, when it entered the shadow of its next cycle.

We are beginning to entertain different perspectives, change our minds about other things, and are mulling things around that we may not have thought about in a long time. New choices and decisions will emerge on the horizon.

Mercury will turn Retrograde on May 10, and draw us into an introspective 3 week time frame.

Tomorrow, April 18 at 9:14AM/MDT, the Sun squares Pluto, and power struggles may arise. The right use of power is to own it and help other people step into theirs. That said, it might promise to be an easier week than the last one.

“Stop the words now. Open the window in the center of your chest, and let the spirits fly in and out.” ― Rumi



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