Astro Update 12 12 22
Astro Update 12 12 22
Today Mercury enters its shadow. This is the subtle beginning of its next Retrograde (Rx) cycle.
Mercury will remain in Capricorn during this whole cycle, asking us to re-think our goals. What is our direction and purpose. Where are we heading, consciously or otherwise.
This question of self-direction will span moving into the new year. With Jupiter moving back into Aries (Dec.12) for a speedy 5 month voyage and pushing our courage to do what we really want to do and have been waiting to do for possibly the past 12 years, or our whole life, this introspective time of Mercury taking us inside to re-look at our level of courage and commitment, is very apropos.
We have some new energies coming up in the first quarter of 2023, so this Mercury is a preparation for perhaps, new territories we may want to explore. Use this moment in time to dive deeper into what limits you and where it’s time to burst forth.
Mercury’s Cycle:
Mercury enters its shadow: Dec.12
Turns Rx Dec 29
Goes Direct Jan 18
Catches up Feb 7
“Even in a world that's being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong.”
Hildegard of Bingen