Astro Update 10 14 21
Astro Update 10 14 21
The energy this week is very straightforward: get ready for movement.
Pluto went Direct last Wed. (6th) and Saturn went Direct on Sunday (10th), and we feel the lessening of the internal focus of ‘sitting on things’ and are now getting poised to move.
Jupiter turns Direct this Sunday (17th), and Mercury will turn Direct on Monday (18th) and it’s all systems go.
We may have some redo from the past few weeks of Mercury’s Rx, however the shift could feel visceral. Creative energies are already making themselves felt and the future is already calling our name.
Make time for creative self-expression. Make time to see the larger picture we are being called to create.

I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I’ve been knocking from the inside.