Astro Update 12 4 19
This past Monday, Jupiter entered Capricorn for the following year. The lives of Capricorns will expand and a larger vision of possibilities will show themselves. Being more generous with themselves will allow them to bring in more light and embrace more love.
Mercury emerges from its whole Retrograde (Rx) cycle this Saturday, Dec.7th. We will have come to grips with the whole previous 7 week cycle since Mercury entered its shadow back on Oct.11th.
Some of us have been taken deep, delayed, frustrated, stalled out and left unknowing in what direction to proceed. Soon, most of this will shift and Mercury moves on into new territory.

“The art of knowing
is knowing
what to ignore.”
My friend, Ammahnda Sia is offering these two online conversations.
SACRED PORTALS - Awakening of Consciousness through Ancient and Future Corridors of Light
Free Discovery call this Sunday, December 8th
60 minutes - starting at 10:00am.pacific/11:00am.mountain/1:00pm.eastern/ 7:00pm CET
THE DIVINE FEMININE - Free online Group
Saturday, December 7th
90 minutes - starting at 10:00am.pacific/11:00am.mountain/1:00pm.eastern/ 7:00pm CET
(if the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste into your browser, JW)