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Starshine News Fall 2019

Starshine News

Vol.23, #4

Fall 2019

Dear Friends,

The planets are getting closer into a tighter ‘bowl’ formations. Soon, Jupiter will enter Capricorn, meeting up with Saturn and Pluto, with only Uranus 120 degrees away.

That will put all of the non-personal planets within a third of the Zodiac. A concentration, to be sure.

A ‘bowl’ in Astrology suggests that the two planets on the edges of that scoop, are the most important to notice. Here, it’s Jupiter and Uranus, as if in conjunction, with Saturn, Pluto and Neptune inside the ‘bowl.’ Jupiter and Uranus are about unexpected opportunities, auspicious situations and expansion. And the contents of the ‘bowl’ is transformation and spiritual understanding.

The ‘bowl’ formation will get tighter as we move into 2020 and we will be asked to concentrate our attention, our awareness, and be more present.

We’ll take a look at the coming Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January and 2020 in general in the next issue.

Be well, Jyoti

Fall Meditation

Breathe into your heart. See the flame of love that lives there. Breathe into that flame. Send it out into the world for the healing of the Earth and all who live upon Her.

Astrological Services

Consultations are $120.

They include:

Natal, and Transit Reading.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Shamanic Journeys.

Spiritual Consulting.

Children’s Charts:

$60 under 14 yrs.

Sliding scale available

Fall 2019 Astrology Column

We begin October with Pluto stationing (Sept.27-Oct.9, 2019 turning Direct on the 3rd. An intense and transformative time frame. Use you intuition on the 6th, move past self-limitations on the 7th, and Mercury enters the shadow it is next Retrograde (Rx) cycle on the 11th. Mercury is in Scorpio and wants you to look deeply over the next several weeks. The Full Moon on the 13th at 3:08PM/MDT, brings spiritual insights, with opportunities to see where you are going. The right use of power is to embrace it, empower yourself, and help everyone around you step into theirs. The New Moon on the 27th at 9:39PM/MDT says changes are upon us. Resistance is not your friend. Be the changer and the changed. We end October with Mercury turning Rx on the 31st at 9:42AM/MDT taking us inward for 3 weeks to ponder what’s next.

November starts with the ending of Daylight Time on the 3rd. Mars squares Pluto on the 5th and things that have been building, may come to a head. The Full Moon on the 12th at 6:34AM.MST brings a push to keep moving along, no reason to get stuck here. Venus squares Neptune on the 14th and we look at our spiritual sense of direction and purpose. Mercury turns Direct on the 20th at 12:12PM/MST and we begin the process of integrating some of the changes we decided on while Mercury was Rx for the previous 3 weeks. The New Moon on the 26th at 8:06AM/MDT asks us to be willing to see what the bigger picture might be suggesting. Neptune turns Direct on the 27th and we bring our spiritual values into our daily lives more. Easier days on the 28th-30th.

December begins with Jupiter entering Capricorn on the 2nd. We have just spent a year with Jupiter in Sag, exploring larger views and more possibilities. Now, not only do Capricorns really begin to expand and flourish over the next year as Jupiter moves through this sign, but collectively, we all look at our goals and our business sense. Where we are going may become clearer. The Full Moon on the 11th at 10:12PM/MST says to turn polarities into win/win situations. Time to work together. The 13th-15th are lucky, intense and expansive, especially the 15th. Something you’ve been thinking about is suddenly possible. The Winter Solstice on Dec.21 at 9:20PM/MST suggests not taking things for granted. Be present and grateful for what is, over the next quarter. Freedom needs on the 22nd and 24th. There is a Solar New Moon Eclipse at 10:13PM/MDT on Christmas Day. This is a new cycle of looking at what’s right in front of you. Gather past skills. Be ready to change things a bit. Happy New Year!

Mercury enters shadow Oct.11

Full Moon Oct 13 3:08PM/MDT

New Moon Oct 27 9:38PM/MDT

Mercury turns Rx Oct 31 9:42AM/MDT

Full Moon Nov 12 6:34AM/MST

Mercury turns Direct Nov 20 12:12PM/MST

New Moon Nov 26 8:06AM/MST

Full Moon Dec 11 10:12PM/MST

Winter Solstice Dec 21 9:20PM/MST

Solar New Moon Eclipse Dec 25 10:13PM/MST


Rifts in the Earth.

My faults guide inner collapse

to new formations of beauty

and peaceful balance.

I let it fall.

Terra Rafael


Fall 2019 Book Reviews

As Long As We Both Shall Live by Joann Chaney. A mystery of marriage, death, infidelity, twists and turns that had my mind sitting up, taking notes and looking for the solution. Who is the murderer and who was murdered? A cat and mouse game that may surprise you by the time it’s over.

The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro. We enter the art world with a recap of the largest art heist in history. Mar.19, 1990. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, from which were stolen 13 paintings, one of which was a Degas. Almost 25 years later, that painting is offered to a young artist to make a copy of, since copying paintings is her livelihood. She takes it on. What ensues is moral dilemma, a mystery, a search for the truth inside herself and in the art world. Really enjoyed this read!

The Temptation of Grace by Santa Montefiore. I have loved this author’s previous works and this one was equally enjoyable. We follow Gracie, 70 years old, as she suddenly decides on a trip to Tuscany after she sees a photo of a castle with cooking classes being offered, in a magazine. As her small English town ponders over her trip, someone calls her semi-estranged daughter in London, concerned yet jealous over Gracie’s decision. Her daughter grudgingly plans to accompany her to look after her, taking her estranged teenage daughter with her. The 3 women arrive and meet the other members of their class, and interactions ensue. Suddenly we are drawn into a history not known at the beginning of this story and we champion our heroine. Loved this!

The Broken Road. This is a fascinating trilogy written by Richard Paul Evans. It is a story of redemption, a man who was given a second chance in life to review his belief system, his struggle to find himself, and return to his core values. The three novels document his decision to walk the infamous Route 66 Highway from Chicago to Santa Monica, California ~ and I thoroughly enjoyed this vision of iconic Americana. Each book kept me entertained, reading one after the other in quick succession which I often do not do, but I was interested in this man's walk to rediscover that which truly brought him happiness, and the universality of his journey. Book 2 : The Forgotten Road. Book 3 : The Road Home. Guest Reviewer: Annette Price.

Mistress of the Ritz by Melanie Benjamin. The Ritz in Paris has a mystique all its own. Told in flashbacks, we learn how Blanche, a former NY flapper, and Claude, the proper assistant manager of a hotel, meet, fall in love and begin to manage the Ritz. Fast forward to present day (June 1940) and the Ritz is now the headquarters of the occupying Nazi regime. A web of deceit is spun, for the survival of the couple, the hotel and all they hold dear. The courage and bravery of ordinary people and where life leads them is evident. Based on true events.

A Medal for Murder: A Kate Shackleton Mystery by Frances Brody. A murder outside a theater in a small English town sends Kate into an investigation that steps back into the Boer War in Africa many years prior, and the rigged kidnapping of a young female actress. Everything is not as it seems and several times Kate tries to stay away from the case, and is drawn right back in. A good read.

Death of an Artist by Kate Wilhelm. A mysterious death, ruled accidental, set in the southern Oregon coast. We meet the artist’s mother, daughter and husband, as she paints her insights of beauty and suffering. And we meet a prematurely retired detective from the east coast, healing a hip wound. All together, they take us on a journey into the art world, intrigue and murder.

My Mother’s Secret by J.L. Witterick. Based on a true story of inspiration during a dark period in human history. In 1939, a mother and her 2 children moved back to Poland from Germany, leaving their abusive husband/father. As Germany invades Poland, they are forced to deal in secrecy for food, protection and courage. Housing Jews is punishable by death. But this woman, Franciszka keeps one family in the basement under her kitchen table, one family in the shed above the pigsty, and a defected German soldier in her tiny three foot attic. They never know about the other. Her cleverness in feeding them all, providing clothing, courage and inspiration so that they don’t die of hopelessness, is a true testament to the strength of the human spirit. Franciszka and Helena Halamajowa have been recognized as ‘the Righteous Among the Nations’ in Israel. A touching story.


Billowing Silk

I’m riding through 1000 miles

of thinking I knew

what to expect.

Stay loose, a friend writes.

Like a billowing gown

of fine silk or thin cotton,

I stay loose,

letting air and wind

find me,

blow through me

and have its way

with me,

like life

in unexpected circumstances.

I let go of expectations,

thinking I know

how things should go.

I am a gown

of billowing silk

open to the clouds

for guidance.

Jyoti Wind

“The soul’s needs are governed by Coatlique, the Aztec Goddess of female self-sufficiency, who gives birth squatting and square on her feet. She teaches about the lone woman’s life. She is a maker of babies, meaning new potential for life, but she is also a death mother who wears skulls on her skirt, and when she walks they sound like rattles on a snake, for they are skull rattles, and because skull rattles sound like rain, through sympathetic resonance, they draw down rain for the earth. She is the protectoress of all lone women and those so magia, so filled with powerful thoughts and ideas, they must live out at the edge of who-knows-where in order not to daze the village too much. Caotlique is the especial protectoress of the female outside.” From Women Who Run With the Wolves, Chapter: Finding One’s Pack: Belonging as Blessing by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

The Somme Legacy: A Jayne Sinclair Genealogical Mystery by M.J. Lee. We follow Jayne as she’s approached to ascertain the legal marriage of David Russell, who served in WWI and was reputed to have died on the first day of the Somme. Going back in time, we also meet David, and Rose Clark, a young shop girl. Their courtship and life split apart by the war leaves only a few clues as to whatever actually happened between them. A good story and mystery line.

The Saturday Evening Girls Club by Jane Healey. Based on an actual Saturday Evening Girls Club in Boston at that time, the author fleshes out a moving story. In 1909, four young women, 2 Italian and 2 Jewish, living in the immigrant neighborhood in south Boston, meet with a host of other young women weekly. Illicit love, dreams beyond some family’s ability to see what America offered their daughters, and a budding romance. I really enjoyed this story.

Journey to the Past by Holly Hunter. Aster, a middle aged woman, has life changing experiences by time traveling through past lives, predictive dreams, and relationships. Available from Amazon.

The Spirit of Everything- Awakening to a Miraculous Life by Sharon Jogerst, is a transformative book that takes readers on an illuminating journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment. Filled with uplifting stories, innovative mental exercises, and tangible energy techniques, The Spirit of Everything offers comfort and encouragement, and provides readers with mind mastering skills that they can use to create change and enrich their lives. Available on Amazon and B&N.


Daisy Geyser, Wyoming

Gifts from Great Spirit. Grace when needed. Prayers Answered.


As we approach the geyser, very solemnly, 2 spirit bears join us on our left and two spirit bears join us on our right. We all move toward the geyser and ‘form in ceremony’ a necklace of bear spirits with the geyser as the ‘throat’ of an ancient native spirit guide.

We begin to complete the vision of the native spirit guide. My bear spirit is the lowest center of the necklace and left and right bear spirits form the jewels on the left and right of us. An elk arrives behind the circle.

The antlers formed the jaw line of the ancient native spirit vision. I see the mountain range behind the geyser as the mouth. A tree as the nose. Two clouds as the eyes. The geyser is seen as the ‘throat system’ to speak knowledge that is connected to the ancient spirit’s guide. Wisdom Keepers of Knowledge.

The Indians saw this geyser when it erupted as this ancient native spirit speaking. LI

Helps one determine boundaries. Old buffalo showed up and munched grass nearby. Helping me see the need for boundaries in my own life. KM

(The above material excerpted from my in-process book: In Search of the Sacred: Meditations on Sacred Sites Around the World.)


Sometimes if you move carefully through the forest

breathing like the ones in the old stories

who could cross a shimmering bed of dry leaves without a sound,

you come to a place whose only task

is to trouble you with tiny but frightening requests

conceived out of nowhere but in this place beginning to lead everywhere.

Requests to stop what you are doing right now, and

to stop what you are becoming while you do it,

questions that can make or unmake a life,

questions that have patiently waited for you,

questions that have no right to go away.

David Whyte

“Your incompleteness is your authenticity.” Martin Shaw

What Do We Tell Them?

What do we tell them

about the evil they face,

to conjure

requisite determination

to engage in this mortal foray?

How do we convince them

that those with whom they battle

have no faces

or dreams or families,

or destinies beyond death?

How do we convince them

that those who wave the banner

and sign the orders

are right and justified

in remaining behind in safety?

How do we tell them

that they may never again taste

the sweat of lovers

or know the sweetness

of their children’s breath?

How do we comfort them

when they wake

in days or decades

with scarred or still missing flesh,

and terror still sweating in their beds?

What do we tell them

when their leaders

and those of their adversaries

smile and bond in a new alliance

to combat the next perception of evil?

Nicholas Nossaman


“In knowing who you are and writing from it, you will help the world by giving it understanding.” Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg


Jyoti Wind

2635 Mapleton Ave.#9

Boulder, CO 80304


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