Soul Retrieval Workshop
Sacred Journeys
Shamanic Soul Retrieval

When we experience deep emotional and physical situations in life, sometimes we lose pieces of ourselves. It is important that we receive those pieces back to fill ourselves and become more whole.
Soul Retrieval: This is a journey embarked upon by the shaman to find lost soul pieces. In any traumatic or highly emotional experience, energy is sometimes lost. In order to be whole wherever we stand on the planet, it is wise to have as much of ourselves available to us at any given time. The pieces that are retrieved are blown into the client in a traditional way.
Incest survivors, for example, may describe a feeling of leaving their body when the abuse starts. That part that left is vital to their wholeness, to their ability to function more consciously in the world. A place where many people’s lost parts go is referred to as the Void…a place of dark nothingness, where it waits to be reunited with the rest of the self. When these pieces are returned and integrated, there is usually a marked change in the person’s life. Surgery, loss of a loved one, illness, and injury can create soul loss.
Basic shamanic skills are necessary.
Sunday April 28, 2019
Sliding Scale Available
Please bring pillows and blankets, or seat, something to place on the altar, and a journal for writing down your own experiences. Sliding scale is available.
If you want to attend, and don’t have basic shamanic skills, call or email me beforehand.
Directions upon registration. Please contact Jyoti at 303.541-9106 or
Jyoti Wind is an Astrologer, Writer and Shamanic Practitioner with over 40 yrs. experience in both the Outer World and the Inner World.