New Book! Liberation: Thoughts in Poetic Form
Liberation: Thoughts in Poetic Form
Ed. by Jyoti Wind
$14.95 +$4.s/h
From the back cover:
Jyoti pulls you into her realm, as she
does so well, calms you with her wisdom,
comforts you with poetic words accompanied
by meditations that soothe and reinforce you.
Arlene S. Bice, non-fiction author, poet, teacher,
editor, publisher.

A sample:
Renewing Meditation
In a meditative mode,
breathe out the cares of the day.
Imagine a golden white light showering down upon you,
entering your cells from head to toe.
Bask in this Divine Light of Grace.
Think of your cells being renewed.
Imagine this is your divine birthright,
to be filled with light and love.
Then go about your day.
Giving and Receiving
We give as we can.
What a joy it is,
to give of ourselves.
We receive
as we learn how to,
to let someone else
be the giver,
and see the joy
in them.
I have to find the peace
in my own heart
before I can bring it
to the world.
From the Introduction:
Liberation can be viewed as a simple slim book to read, or a course of study of oneself. You might write companion pieces as you read, or you may record your experiences and reactions to the thoughts and meditations presented here. Scribble in the margins. Draw on the pages. This is your book. Make it your own!