Starshine News, Winter 2019
Starshine News
Vol.23, # 1
Winter 2019
Dear Friends,
This New Year, 2019, is the Year of the Pig/Boar, the Earth Pig, according to Chinese Astrology. A year of things feeling easier, though there is a caution against spending too much. I also see it as a preparatory year for a larger year ahead, 2020.
So this year is a time to get our ducks in a row, prepare what needs to be gathered, and to continue to let go of old patterns of thinking and behavior.
I’m grateful for the inner work I see others called to do, because it makes the whole belief field we all live in, more aware, more free to open to new levels of awareness.
Love, Jyoti
I was already hearing
the call of the Ancient Days,
when Sky pulled back
Her cloud cover
and showed me
what was next.
Jyoti Wind
Crystal Shamanic Journeys this Spring.
Free. Shamanic Experience
necessary. Contact me.

Winter Meditation
With the re-kindling of the Light, envision
that Light that is rising. See the Light sparking the Light in your heart. See it spread out into your whole body and bask in the return of the Light.
Astrological Services
Consultations are $120.
They include:
Natal, and Transit Reading.
Relationship Charts.
Astrocartography Maps.
Shamanic Journeys.
Spiritual Consulting.
Children’s Charts:
$60 under 14 yrs.
Sliding scale available
WiseWomanhood School. Teaching to support Women…Mind, Body and Soul.
Classes is Ayurveda, midwifery. My workshops on Self-Forgiveness, Reclamation, Owning the Shadow, and several others, ending with The Queen and Her Domain/Sovereignty. Also included on the site are my Basic Astrology Course and Flight of the Spirit: Intro to Shamanic Journeying.
Winter 2019 Astrology Column
We begin the New Year with the planet Uranus stationing from Jan.2-10. Expect unexpected occurrences. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Jan.5 at 6:28PM/MST gives a sense of adventure and intensity. The power of ideas to influence life might be looked into. Venus enters Sag on the 7th and brings a sense of seeing the bigger picture and a real curiosity. The 11th is a day of empowerment and change and the 13th brings writing, studying and a re-examination of spiritual concepts. Intuition is high on the 18th. The Full Moon Lunar eclipse on Jan.20 at 10:15PM/MDT gives erratic energies and a look at letting go of places of self-limitation. Where you said, ‘No I can’t go there.’ Now, why not? Be aware of overdoing on the 22nd and energy abounds for projects and whatever is needed on the 25th.
February begins with a desire for freedom and self-expression on the 2nd. Business goals beckon after the 3rd. The New Moon on the 4th at 2:04PM/MST says don’t take things personally. Keep watch on erratic behaviors. The Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig/Boar begins on Feb.5th. The Pig/Boar year brings intuition, flexibility, spirituality and philanthropy. End toxic relationships, settle debts and writing is favored. Erratic energy on the 12th with a stabilizing effect after the 14th. The Full Moon on the 19th at 8:54AM/MST says to be careful where you put your feet. Pay attention to your surroundings. On the 20th, Mercury enters its shadow and we begin to dream, to look more closely at our own spiritual path.
We enter March with Mercury turning Retrograde (Rx) on the 5th bringing introspection for the next 3 weeks. Deepen your meditation on the 6th at the New Moon at 9:04AM/MST. This new cycle also says to be flexible. Be willing to see beyond the illusion. Question your belief systems on the 13th. Energy to accomplish things on the 14th. We enter Spring on the 20th at 3:59PM/MDT bringing emotional resilience and artistic frustration to the next quarter. Trust your intelligence. The Full Moon later this day, at 7:43PM/MDT suggests that perseverance pays off. Bring emotional strength to what you do. Mercury turns Direct on the 28th at 7:59AM/MDT and things move forward again. It catches up from its Rx cycle on April 16th and we move into new territory. Happy Spring!
Solar New Moon Eclipse Jan.5 6:28PM/MST
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Jan.20 10:16AM/MST
New Moon Feb.4 2:03PM/MST
Chinese New Year Feb.5
Full Moon Feb.19 8:53AM/MST
New Moon Mar,6 9:04AM/MST
Vernal Equinox Mar 20 3:59PM/MDT
Full Moon “” “” 7:43PM/MDT
Mercury’s Cycle:
Mercury enters its shadow Feb.20
Turns Rx Mar 5
Goes Direct Mar 28
Catches up April 16
“I lost my hat while gazing at the moon, and then I lost my mind.” Rumi
Winter 2019 Book Reviews
How To Be a Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals written by Sy Montgomery. This little book is an easy read and took me way farther, and deeper, than I anticipated. The title caught my eye and the illustration on the book cover is captivating. On my continuing journey of "How to be a Better Human 101" this book appeared to be a must read! From the inner cover ... (This book) "explores vast themes: the otherness and sameness of people and animals; the various ways we learn to love and become empathetic; how we find our passion; how we create our families; comping with loss and despair; gratitude; forgiveness; and mot of all, how to be a good creature in the world." Enjoy !! ISBN: 978-0-544-93832 Guest Reviewer: Annette Price.
The Spirit of Trees by Cheryl Miller. Here is a collection of poetry that speaks about life, human and arboreal, and all the extraneous beings who accompany both worlds.
Cheryl asks us to sit with the Prayer Rug being crafted before our eyes by a 99 year old’s flashing crochet hook; to follow a monk in saffron robes as he calls and feeds the peacocks in a Japanese Garden; to hear the birdsong and sway of branches from old cottonwoods coming home to the yellow locusts’ leaves above the green lawn. So enjoyed this.
The Bookshop of New Beginnings by Jen Mouat. Kate is returning home to the family she adopted when her mother binged and left her, dirty and alone. The home she ran from to NYC years ago. Now she returns to sense it all out. Has
everyone changed? Her exploration of her best friend and the new bookshop venture, the return of an old love, a birth ready to happen, and her own expanding self-awareness bring you to Scotland and her adventure around what home really is. Enjoyed this!
Honeysuckle Hollow by Jennifer Moorman. Tessa is clumsy with her choices, her finances, her life. She asks for advice from friends and family for every important decision. And then the magic begins. Between the ‘town crazy’, the wandering mint plant, a handsome stranger and a house with a humanitarian past, the author has crafted a delightful romantic comedy. Loved it!
The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom (author of Tuesday with Morrie).
A chill ran up my spine when I realized as I turned the last page on this book, it was actually the official Day of the Dead. Incredible auspicious coincidence? This novel, The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom (author of Tuesday with Morrie) was an easy captivating read; I was caught up in the characters from the first page. The story unfolds quickly but keeps finding new directions, all while bringing in new points of view; skeptics, believers, non-believers, clerics and clerks - as each one attempts to make sense of what is happening in this small town of Coldwater, Michigan. Fun and thought provoking. ISBN : 978-0-06-229437-1. Guest Reviewer: Annette Price
The Child by Fiona Barton. (Author of The Widow). British author Barton has crafted another mystery, this time of a baby’s remains that were suddenly excavated at a building site. Kate, the reporter from The Widow, is on the case, investigating where the police do not know to go. A story of twists and turns. I loved it.
Secrets We Keep by Faith Hogan. Kate, left at the altar, grieves for a long time for that lost love. She travels on a break from the law firm she works for as a divorce lawyer, to the coast of Ireland. Here she befriends an older couple and begins to see new possibilities unfold. Thoughts of not returning to London, to staying near the sea even in winter, and an idea of where family beckons her, made for a really good read.
Behind Closed Doors: A Beatrice Stubbs Mystery by JJ Marsh. A European Crime Mystery. Beatrice is called to Switzerland to head up a team of international experts in homicide disguised as suicide. She investigates the deaths of several prominent men in their field. An intelligent read with twists and turns. Loved it.
Book Reviews cont.
Distant Shores by Kristin Hannah. Elizabeth (Birdie) is unhappy with her 20+ year marriage. Two daughters are grown and she’s been the supportive wife all these years. She can’t seem to do it anymore. The unhappiness feels crippling. Her own dreams have been relegated to a back closet where her paints and canvases sit. She makes her move and shocks her family. She’s hell-bent on finding herself. Long walks by the ocean help, as does her best friend and circle of disparate women. Enjoyed this.
Lissette’s List by Susan Vreeland. Set in the pre-war Parisian countryside, we follow Lissette through her longing to return to Paris, her care-taking of her father-in-law as he tells her tales of Picasso and Cezanne. Through his stories and the paintings on the walls of the small, simple home, Lissette learns the effect of art, the lives of the masters, and more of her destiny. War comes and she’s driven to make-do with the food rationing and limited life style. With heart break and attack, she grows into her own being. A beautiful read.
Be Your Self
Claim your royalty.
Rule your body & soul
& expand from there.
Let the breeze of your breath
embrace your domain with consciousness.
Gather your noble wishes
& let the world resound with
the song of their manifestation.
Feel the sapphires, emerald, & rubies of
your laughter enrich all ears.
Bring justice & peace to your people
however many there be.
Benevolent Monarch
joined with billions of Benevolent Monarchs
to create a world where love & respect
are counted the greatest riches.
From ‘Unfurling the Web of Life’ by Terra Rafael
Book available on Amazon.
Free At Last In 1975, I brought him a Valentine card I had made, twenty-four little red hearts scattered, one for each year we had been married. He had been in the nursing home since early December, slowly losing to the two-year onslaught of his own rogue cells. His pain was barely controlled by the available medication. His gift to me? His decision to stop taking nourishment, to bring it all to a close. He had considered his plan in the long quiet nights, and shared his reasons: to save the expense, to end the pain, and, more importantly, to shorten the family’s anguish as we watched him diminish day by day. It was time, and he was ready. Our pastor supported us for the journey.
Kisses and tears. I didn’t try to change his mind. We agreed on his choice. His doctor arranged for the food trays to stop, and, after a while, the saline IV. After five weeks, on a cold March night, he left us, his plan realized. His sister and I felt his force leave the pale hands we held. We kissed his quiet cheek. The minister who was with us said a blessing. We stepped out into the crisp cold air. I looked up to a sky filled with stars. Free at last. ‘Along the Way: Footprints from a Long Journey’ by Priscilla Gifford Book available on Amazon
Basic Shamanic Journey Workshop
Feb.3, 2019
No Experience Necessary
Learn how to utilize different states of consciousness to gather information, power and courage. Using traditional techniques, we will learn about non-ordinary reality, spirit guides and animal spirits. We will journey to the land of the spirits.
Jyoti Wind
2635 Mapleton Ave.#9
Boulder, CO 80304