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Starshine News

Vol.22, # 4

Fall 2018

Dear Friends,

The world will go the way the world will go. I remember an old adage, “Tend your own garden.”

Take care of yourself and those in your care. Tend to the next generation mindfully for they will populate the Earth next. Harvest what is yours.

And then, on the contrary, there are times we are called out of our quiet lives to make a stand for something. Then you must.

We are all at different points in our lives and we must honor that. Each one has a different focus, perhaps a different path to walk and different experiences to have. None better or worse. Each one of us, like a cell in a larger body, has its place in the scheme of things. Honoring that, honors us all.

Check out my mention of WiseWomanhood School inside. Terra is offering great learning opportunities online, and is offering my workshops and classes as well, with more to come.

Love more…Jyoti

Fall Meditation

In the season of letting go, take a few deep breaths, releasing unwanted energy on the outbreath. Picture those situations and people who are ready to go their own way. Breathe them out. Let them go. Release…

Astrological Services

Consultations are $120.

They include:

Natal, and Transit Reading.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Shamanic Journeys.

Spiritual Consulting.

Children’s Charts:

$60 under 14 yrs.

Sliding scale available

“I should not make any promises right now,

But I know if you


Somewhere in this world -

Something good will happen.”

― Hafiz

Fall 2018 Astrology Column

October begins with Venus turning Retrograde (Rx) (until mid Nov.) on the 5th and for the next 5 weeks we look at our direction and purpose, our values, our vanities, and our finances. The New Moon on the 8th at 9:47PM/MDT wants us to change our perceptions, not give our power away, and avoid power struggles where possible. The thinking process deepens as Mercury enters Scorpio on the 9th, and power trips may emerge on the 11th. Poetry and music good on the 19th and expect the unexpected on the 23rd. The Full Moon on the 24th at 10:45AM/MDT says the future awaits your imprint. Project away! Creativity is high on the 26th and Mercury enters its shadow on the 27th.

November begins with the New Moon on the 7th at 9:02AM/MST. Strong desire for freedom. Opportunities for change. Make your own decisions. Jupiter enters Sagittarius o the 8th, where it will be for the next year, expanding Sag’s world. Great opportunities for growth and adventure. Venus turns Direct on the 16th as Mercury turns Rx (6:33PM/MST and a shift in self-expressiveness with a touch of insightfulness over the next 3 weeks. On Thanksgiving Day (Nov.22) we have a Full Moon at 10:39PM/MST and wants a balance between seeing the larger picture and dealing with the details. Be clear in your goals. Post dinner conversation could be interesting. Spiritual matters important from the 19th-29th.

December begins with Mercury turning Direct on the 6th at 2:22PM/MST and we redo the events of the past 3 weeks, cleaning things up. The New Moon on the 7th at 12:20AM/MST asks us to look beyond the pale. Be willing to see beyond our usual perceptions. Opportunities for growth and

healing. Expansion day on the 20th. The Winter Solstice on the 21st at 3:23PM/MST suggests that things may not be really clear over the next quarter. Important to wait for clarity. The Full Moon on the 22nd at 10:49AM/MST suggests that we champion our strengths, spirituality and creativity. We end 2018 with Mars entering Aries, suggesting that another adventure awaits. Happy New Year!

New Moon Oct 8 9:47PM/MDT

Full Moon Oct 24 10:45AM/MDT

Mercury enter its shadow Oct 27

New Moon Nov 7 9:02AM/MST

Venus turns Direct Nov 16 3:50AM/MST

Mercury turns Rx Nov 16 6:33PM/MST

Full Moon Nov 22 10:39PM/MST

Mercury turns Direct Dec 6 2:22PM/MST

New Moon Dec 7 12:20AM/MST

Winter Solstice Dec 21 3:23PM/MST

Full Moon Dec 22 10:49AM/MST

A look at 2019: With Jupiter moving into Sagittarius for the next 11 months, larger horizons may beckon. Uranus will move further into Taurus, a breaking up of stubborn old mental conditioning. Two Eclipses fall in January and two in July act as de-crystalizing energies to loosen us from the past, and as catalysts for change over this next year.

Fall 2018 Book Reviews

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. 1946 London. Writer Juliet Ashton receives a letter from the Channel Island of Guernsey. It had been a place of German occupancy between France and England during the War. Their small island had been overtaken, food doled out, behavior restricted, and life limited. With the forming of the Literary Society, the residents were able to support each other, behind the backs of the Germans, and also expand their minds. Eventually, Juliet journeys to Guernsey and receives a wonderful welcome. A book in letters. Very interesting format and it works! Loved it. Now a film on Netflix, and I loved the film as well.

Skyview. A free app for iphones. Allows you to see in real time exactly where the planets and constellations are. If you hold your phone down, it shows what is on the other side of the Earth. If you hold it up, it shows you what is overhead or to the north or south, etc. Love it!

Goodnight from London by Jennifer Robson. Ruby Sutton is sent to London in the summer of 1940. Being a Yank, working as a staff writer for a newsmagazine while bombs are dropping each night, she begins to change. The loving family that takes her in, begins to break the shell of her past self-beliefs and she welcomes their love. Enlightening to read what feels like first- hand accounts on the ground during the bombing of England during WWII. Fiction.

So Much Owed by Jean Grainger. Historical Fiction. Beginning at the end of WWI, we journey with an Irish Doctor and his family. We suffer what he suffers and embrace the gifts that life gives him, and even withholds for a time. As WWII begins to make itself known in Europe, his twin son and daughter, each in their own way, enter into the fray. Very moving. Loved it.

Chief Left Hand by Margaret Coel. The author is a writer of mysteries placed on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. Here she gives a true/scholarly rendition of this Southern Arapahoe Chief. Chief Left Hand (Chief Niwot in Arapahoe language) was a man of peace. He was a linguist and spoke many tribal languages including Cheyenne, Kiowa-Apache, and also learned English. Coel takes us through his tribal life and the changes he and his people endured as the gold diggers came, the settlers came and his own people were driven to poverty and starvation.

I enjoyed every chapter of this book, even though some of it was emotionally hard to read. It gave me the history of where I’ve lived for 40 years from the original inhabitants’ point of view. So readable!!!

May My Heart...

May my heart know truth

when it sees it.

May my heart fully embrace

this planet's beauty.

May my heart know that living

is its own reward.

May my heart remember humility

in the moment

not the next day.

May my heart realize

its superiority to mind.

May my heart be outspoken

and skepticism be silent.

May my heart breathe kindness

as it only food

and may my heart be willing

to share.

Jyoti Wind

The Tour by Jean Grainger. I was drawn to this book because for the past 4 years, I have organized women's trips from the U.S. to Ireland and to the sacred sites. Our tour leader lives in Kilarney and we sometimes venture into Cork. I have experiences of a tour giving people opportunities for growth, friendship, personal disclosure, and some amazing realizations about themselves and life. So it was with this background that I picked up Jean's book to read. I've absolutely loved the story. The characters stayed with me during the day as I went about my life. Getting back to it in the evening was with anticipation. I'm all set to read on in the series. Hoping to get to Cork on the next go-round, May 2019.

Shelter Me by Juliette Fay. Janie is grieving the loss of her husband, suffering with her three month old daughter and four year old son. This moving novel brings us into her feelings, her dealings with friends and family, her composure and lack thereof, and the anger beating its way to the outside. Tug comes along to build her a porch, fulfilling a contract Janie’s husband had already commissioned and paid for. Thus ensues the challenge to Janie’s closed doors, fears for her and her children, and her extended family who mean well. Funny, deep, touching. I read through the night.

The Little Bookshop on the Seine by Rebecca Raisin. Sarah and Sophie decide to switch bookshops, one in America, one in Paris. Sarah doesn’t realize what’s she’s walking into, coming from a small, quaint town. As the only English bookshop in Paris, Once Upon A Time has crowds from before opening each morning, and then throughout the day. Long lines form at the register and the people employed at the shop have no idea what customer service means. Sarah misses her small shop and her friends across the street, yet she knows that Paris has something for her, inviting deeper aspects of her personality to come forward. Very enjoyable.

I’ll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa de los Santos. Clare meets Edith the day before her wedding and hears “Courage, dear heart.” Three weeks later, after Clare canceled her wedding, she is told that Edith passed on and left her a house by the sea in Delaware. Clare is on a search for meaning in her life and Edith’s deep wisdom feeds her. A wonderful story of life, growth, mystery, passion and courage. The author’s language is sensual and descriptive. I loved this book and am looking for more of her work.

It’s a Long Story, My Life by Willie Nelson with David Ritz. I have been a fan all my life, and checked this book out of the library because of the look in his eye on the cover ... and really glad I did. I truly enjoyed this story. Hearing his voice in relating the ups and down of his journey was uplifting and surprised me over and over; he remains steadfastly optimistic in light of some devastating obstacles. I did not know the spiritual side of Willy Nelson and found it fascinating that we had read many of the same books and they shaped his life as they had mine. "Life's always about healing. That's because life is always filled with hurting. If we don't heal, we turn cynical and bitter. Healing is what lets us push past the pain." And I keep thinking about his political belief : he cares more about causes than political parties. "It's good to change. If the change brings about confusion, who cares? Confusion makes you think. And that's another good thing." When I feel my own discomfort rising due to the situation I see my county in at this time, I will recall lyrics to some of his songs - and reflect on his spirit of optimism - and keep moving forward. Thanks Willy, and I love the pictures you included !! ISBN 978-0-316-30629-4. Annette Price


WiseWomanhood School: Teaching to Supp0ort Women-Mind, Body and Soul. Terra Rafael has created an online school of classes, workshops, talks, and a blog. Her offerings include Reiki, Midwifery, Ayurveda teachings, and the phases of a woman’s life.

On the Inner Work page, my Introduction to Astrology Talk (free), the Reclamation Meditation, my Flight of the Spirit: Basic Shamanism Workshop recording, and my Basic Astrology Course of 4 classes, are all offered here. Soon to come is my Owning the Shadow: The Descent to the Dark Mother Workshop.

Please visit and support both of our classes and workshops, and the teachers who will join in the future. Please share this site with other women. Thank You, Jyoti

I will be posting short video blogs on this site as well…astrological, etc.


The Pyramid Code on YouTube. An interesting look at the sites of Egypt.



Ireland Tour May 11-18, 2019 Women’s Tour of the Sacred Sites of Ireland.

We will visit stone circles, holi wells, and standing stones that rise 10’ above our heads. We will gather to meditate, pray, and absorb the messages from the land and her spirits.

Price and details available. Please email me if you are interested. Limited to 10.

Contact me for info and a Booking Form.


“The dead are in the dark in numbers too vast for our ordinary consciousness to comprehend. Who are they? They are more than our lineages of direct biological ancestors, as numberless as those ancestors are. And they aren’t just human. Every plant, animal and insect alive on the planet today is linked to ancestral mothers and fathers without end. And every cell has ancestors too. Even the mountains and valleys and deserts, the streams and the oceans, have ancestors. Everything that exists now exists because of what has come before.” (From: Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age by Clark Strand.)

Jyoti Wind

2635 Mapleton Ave.#9

Boulder, CO 80304


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