Astro Update 9 2 18

Venus enters the shadow of a Retrograde (Rx) cycle today, Sept.2. (Venus will actually turn Rx on Oct.5 and go Direct on Nov.16, the same day Mercury turns Rx again.)
Venus Rx takes us into the inner world of values and priorities, finances, and love relationships including with oneself, and a deeper look at our core beliefs about worthiness.
As we enter the shadow of this Rx cycle today, we will begin to get an idea of what’s beckoning to us, what inside us wants a light shed on it.
And I know it’s been a frustrating and tiring summer with Mars and then Mercury Rx, and now a feeling of just having ‘uncapped’ that pit of frustration and let loose what was contained this whole time frame since the end of June. And the question is, who wants more? Answer, no one. Yet we go on.
We deal with the issues of the times in the outer world, while we change old patterns and adapt to the new inwardly.
So between today and Oct.5, there may be things getting our attention that involves our values, what’s really important to us; our finances and how we manage our resources; our love relationships and what partnering means to us, how we deal with that walk.
And our relationship to ourselves and how willing we are to love ourselves.
So in this shadow phase we are getting a glimpse. After Venus turns Rx on Oct.5, we begin the work of it all, and because Venus is in Scorpio, Retrograding back into Libra, we will seek to transform what needs to change and create a truer balance in our lives.
By Nov.16, as Venus turns Direct, for the following month (until Dec.17), we will begin to implement those changes, bring our examined and transformed values and priorities to the table, and move on.
“Not only the thirsty seek the water, the water as well seeks the thirsty.”