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Astro Update 7 13 18

Friday the 13th…the Day of the Goddess/Divine Feminine.

13 was the number of the Divine Feminine in Matriarchal Times. When the Patriarchal Times took over, this number was denigrated and made unlucky. Time to reclaim it!

The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred last night, July 12 at 8:48PM/MDT. The Sun and Moon in Cancer exactly opposing Pluto, and trine Neptune and Jupiter forming a Grand Trine in Water. So there are mixes of energies.

An Eclipse triggers events for 3-6 months further on. What it may set off in a natal chart, has the same time frame.

This Eclipse is challenging one’s power. Where do we give it away? How do we retrieve it? How does this Eclipse trigger us to trust our own intelligence and become more of our own authority, instead of handing it over to someone else.

Emotionally, there may be a lot of healing available with the Grand Trine in Water. And the capacity to practically apply healing modalities with the Grand Trine in Earth.

This is the first of 3 Eclipses this Summer.

This Eclipse visible: Tasmania, So. Pacific, Southern Indian Ocean.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 27 at 2:20PM/MDT visible: Australia, Middle East, So. America, Eastern Caribbean, most of Europe, So. Pacific and Indian Oceans.

New Moon Solar Eclipse on Aug.11, at 3:58AM/MDT visible: NE Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Russia, Mongolia, North and mid-China, Korea, and North Atlantic Ocean.

“There is a force within that gives you life. Seek that.”


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