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Starshine News Summer 2018

Starshine News

Vol.22, #3 Summer 2018

Dear friends,

Make good use of your time. Not so much about being efficient in daily tasks, but in the remembering of why you are here and the beauty life has given you. Give back where you can. Give thanks for what comes your way, no matter how small. “For it’s in giving that we receive,” from a Sufi song at the Dances of Universal Peace.

I’m crafting day tours of the Sacred Sites in and around Boulder, mostly for local people. I’ve been researching labyrinths and Native American sites, ancient stone places, histories, etc.

A 4-Day Sacred Site Tour is possible in Sept. for people coming from out of town. I’ll keep you posted. See more inside.



”Being an artist means, not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confident in the storms of spring without the fear that after them may come no summer. It does come. But it comes only to the patient, who are there as though eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly still and wide. I learn it daily, learn it with pain to which I am grateful: patience is everything!” Rainer Maria Rilke

Summer Meditation

Breathe in the Sun energy. Feel it fill your cells with life-giving light. Release those cells that have completed their job. Give thanks.

Astrological Services

Consultations are $120.

They include:

Natal, and Transit Reading.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Shamanic Journeys.

Spiritual Consulting.

Children’s Charts:

$60 under 14 yrs.

Sliding scale available

Summer 2018 Astrology Column

We begin July with the Sun trine Jupiter on the 5th, an expansive, gracious day. Mercury enters its shadow on the 7th and we begin the next Mercury cycle with its passage through Leo, looking at pride, true accomplishment, and ego. Jupiter turns Direct on the 10th and we bring our generosity of spirit into our daily life more. The Solar New Moon Eclipse on the 12th at 8:48PM/MDT brings challenges and confrontations. Where do you give your power away? Mercury turns Retrograde (Rx) on the 25th at 11:03PM/MDT and we begin a 3 week period of inner looking. Also on the 25th the Sun squares Uranus: expect the unexpected. The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 27th at 2:20PM/MDT wants a balance between equality and leadership. A lot of strength here to end July with.

August begins with Uranus stationing (until the 13th) and Mars square Uranus on the 1st. If ever you didn’t think something could happen, think again. Insights on the 8th, trust issues on the 9th, and need of communication on the 10th. The Solar New Moon Eclipse on the 11th at 3:58AM/MDT wants us to look at what nurtures you and how do you make room for it in your life. Mercury turns Direct on the 18th at 10:25PM/MDT and we begin the implement what we have unearthed in our selves over the previous weeks. Expansion of spiritual understandings on the 19th and the 25th flows. The Full Moon on the 26th at 5:46AM/MDT brings a change in values and priorities. Be open to innovation with stability. Mars has been Rx since June 26th and turns Direct on Aug.27th at 8:05AM/MDT. We spend the next 5 weeks or so, redoing what didn’t really work this past summer, and implementing new ways of doing things.

September begins with Mercury catching up on the 1st and leading us into new perceptions and thinking. Mercury expands our viewpoint on the 7th. The New Moon on the 9th at 12:01PM/MDT brings a search for identity as to who we are now. What still works and what needs to go. Sun trine Pluto on the 11th suggests that there’s nothing we can’t do. Insights strong on the 15th and the Autumnal Equinox occurs on the 22nd at 7:55PN/MDT. Personal goals and freedom of self-expression takes us into this next quarter of the year. Trust your insights. The Harvest Full Moon on the 24th at 8:52PM/MDT has fairly erratic energy. Setting goals could feel grounding. Express your feelings. Pluto is stationing from Sept.27-Oct.5. Opportunities for transformation.

Mercury enters shadow July 7

New Moon Solar Eclipse July 12 8:48PM/MDT

Mercury turns Rx July 25 11:03PM.MDT

Lunar Full Moon Eclipse July 27 2:20PM/MDT

Solar New Moon Eclipse Aug 11 3:58AM/MDT

Mercury turns Direct Aug 18 10:25PM/MDT

Full Moon Aug 26 5:46AM/MDT

Mars turns Direct Aug 27 8:05AM/MDT

Mercury catches up Sept.1

New Moon Sept 9 12:01PM/MDT

Autumnal Equinox Sept 22 7:55PM/MDT

Harvest Full Moon Sept 24 8:52PM/MDT

Summer 2018 Book Reviews

Digging In by Loretta Nyhan. A quirky, poignant story about loss, grief and regeneration. Reacting to the stress of losing her husband and possibly her job of many years, Paige begins digging in her backyard one night. It feels so good that she continues digging whenever she has time. This disturbs not only her yard and 17 year-old son, but some of her uptight neighbors in this suburban gated community. The journey to redemption and new life is both frustrating and heartwarming. Written with interesting, flawed characters and enough humor and mystery to bring insights to the reader without being maudlin or preachy. Digging In is an unusual read. Guest Reviewer: Kate Guilford.

The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill. Award winning English author . The setting is contemporary England. In a small village, a woman goes running in the early morning fog and disappears. Another woman goes missing as the police try to figure out what’s happened. One policewoman continues the case on her own. Is there a serial killer? The author’s storytelling capacity is rich, and a long, full story unravels the thoughts and plans of a psychopath. This is Book 1 in the DCI Simon Serrailler series. I’ve finished Book 7 now.

Catching Air by Sarah Pekkenen. Leaving Florida for Vermont, opening a B&B, two couples let go of their lives to begin anew. Brothers with old histories, a young woman on the run, an adoption in the making, and a wedding looming at the direction of a Bridezilla, all come together in snow country. I had never heard for this author, but will go in search of her other books. I really enjoyed her storytelling.

The Widow by Fiona Barton. The Wife, the Husband, the Mother, the Detective, the Reporter…all have their own chapters of what took place, and continues to happen in this psychological thriller. set in a contemporary London suburb, we hear from each of these people throughout the story about the abduction of a blond, four year old little girl. The wife and husband are hounded by the press, headlines splashed, reporters camped out. The detective is like a dog with a bone, anxious to find the child and bring the perp to justice. A very interesting read inside the minds of each of these people.

Honeymoon in Italy: Before the Otto Viti Mysteries (Story #1) by Jen Carter. Six years after losing their beloved parents in a boating accident the three D’Angelo sisters travel from their California homes to Italy. Armed with the scrapbook their parents made of their honeymoon 30 years before, the sisters planned to recreate their route. Aldo, the paternal grandfather, encourages and pays for this trip attempting to bring his three very different granddaughters together again. Jill just hopes that she and her sisters can get through the week without any major disagreements. They had no idea of the secrets about that would unfold from three mysterious numbers found on the back of the scrapbook. Enjoy this journey with them as they learn about each other and themselves as well as their parents. There are currently four books in this series. Guest Reviewer: Kate Guilford.

Check out The Kindness Diaries on Netflix. 13-1/2 hour shows. Beautiful!

Early Summer

I lean into my garden shade,

suburban woods where

aspen take over if not truncated

regularly by lawn mowing.

I touch various barks

smooth and rough

gnarled and even.

Chirping above calls me to look to green heavens.

The flitting saffron of gold finch pauses a moment in purple blooms.

Everything is sacred now.

Terra Rafael


When I Am in Nature, Nature is in Me by Terra Rafael. Terra’s poetry continues to speak to and for Nature and the Earth. She takes us through the Seasons with titles like: Winter Trees, Erratic Spring, Green, Making Our Bed in June and The Strawberry Summer. In the Climate Chaos section: Storms, Extreme Weather, Today in Colorado. And in the Sustainability section: Sink Deep, Water. Rebirth, Until the Eclipse, Nectar of Happiness, Standing Rock, and Common Ground. Terra’s lyrical language gathers your attention and holds it to the last line and word of her piece. Beautiful.

Somewhere in France: A Novel of the Great War by Jennifer Robson. Lily, also known as Lady Elizabeth Ashford, decides she want to ‘do her duty’ as WWI rages in Europe. She leaves her upper class parent’s house of privilege and joins the WAAC. Lily had gotten her chauffeur to teach her how to drive and now she applies to be an ambulance driver and follow her heart along the way. At a time of class divisions, deprivation, and a war torn country, Lily learns about herself and life.

A Trace of Smoke (The Hannah Vogel Historical Mystery Series) by Rebecca Cantrell. Set in 1931 Berlin, Germany, Hannah finds a picture of her brother, dead, and unable to claim the body. The threat of Nazi’s is rampant, with Hitler vying for power. She begins, as a reporter, quietly investigating his death, and who may have murdered him. He was gay and performed at a nightclub frequented by all sorts of people. A small boy is delivered to her door with a birth certificate in his hand that lists her as his mother, and her brother as his father. Thus begins her path through a cache of money and jewels, a dance with several Kommandants and higher ups in the Nazi party. Suspense shuffles along as you read. I really enjoyed this, Book 1.


I Wonder

I am finished with things that don’t work.

Finished with thoughts and feeling that yes, have brought me here, but I know I don’t need to carry any further.

I just let go of bookcases full of books, clothes and household things that no longer fit. I am ready for the new, perhaps the new me. I’ve had glimpses of her, like looking at your baby on an ultrasound screen. Kind of blurry, but you can fathom the shape and moving parts.

I know she doesn’t put up with some of the shit I became accustomed to, She has permeable boundaries, confidence, kindness and a willingness to listen.

I’m preparing the birth room, already in the those of labor pains, and am in that place called transition, no long this, not yet that.

I am readying myself to let go of other pieces of myself that I can’t quite see from here, and embrace a larger portion of who I really am.

I wonder what that will look like. I wonder what she looks like. I wonder who I am becoming.

Jyoti Wind

St. Francis Prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Ireland Tour May 11-18, 2019 Women’s Tour of the Sacred Sites of Ireland.

We will visit stone circles, holi wells, and standing stones that rise 10’ above our heads. We will gather to meditate, pray, and absorb the messages from the land and her spirits.

Price and details available. Please email me if you are interested. Limited to 10.

Contact me for info and a Booking Form.


Jyoti Wind

2635 Mapleton Ave.#9

Boulder, CO 80304


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