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Astro Update 11 15 17

Today Mercury enters the shadow of its next Retrograde (Rx) cycle. Mercury is in Sag and we will look at the larger picture and what that is for each of us personally. How expansive can we be? How large can we see and imagine? We’ll work it out during the Rx.

Remember that Jupiter entered Scorpio on Oct.10, expanding the hidden places, revealing the secrets. Scorpios should enjoy an expansive year ahead.

The New Moon of Scorpio is this Sat. the 18th at 4:42AM/MST. With Mars square Pluto, we have a time of intensity. Keep an open mind.

Neptune stations 19-25 of Nov., turning Direct on the 22nd…Nothing feels nailed down. Time to rearrange the mental furniture and bring into your life what you have been working on these past 5 months.

Mercury’s Cycle:

Mercury enters its shadow Nov.15

Goes Rx Dec.2

Turns Direct Dec 22

Catches up and moves on

Jan.10, 2018

“Don't forget love; it will bring all the madness you need to unfurl yourself across the universe.”


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