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Starshine News Fall 2017

Starshine News

Vol.21, # 4

Fall 2017

Dear Friends,

Sometimes life brings you surprises. Events come that you couldn’t see showing up in your life in quite that way.

They may be shocking in how they turn up, yet have a golden lining of a gift for you, if you can see it that way. Opportunities to forgive and let go are always a chance to grow and move beyond the old patters, opening up new life, new situations in front of you. Good to jump through when the door of opportunity opens!

The aftermath of the August Eclipses will be felt for the next several months. Like the tectonic plates shifting along the Ring of Fire right now, we are shifting our belief systems about self and life.

Breathe and carry on!


I’ve put a new book of poetry together: In This Moment: Contemplative Poetry. It will be available mid-Oct. I’m taking early orders now through PayPal, check, email. Great Holiday gift.

“Incisive, cutting to very heart of the matters that keep us awake at night and yet hopeful to greet another day.” Cindy Morris.

In Memoriam: John James Walsh



Hold the Earth Mother and all of her inhabitants in White Light every day, at least once.

Astrological Services

Consultations are $100.

They include:

Natal, and Transit Reading.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Shamanic Journeys.

Spiritual Consulting.

Children’s Charts:

$50 under 14 yrs.

Sliding scale available

A ribbon of truth

binds your cells

to a destiny you fought for,

for a purpose your soul


into your heart each night,

lest you forget.

Jyoti Wind

from: In This Moment

Fall 2017 Astrology Column

We begin October with Venus and Mars trine Pluto. Our sense of empowerment and creativity is strong. The Harvest Full Moon on the 5th at 12:40PM/MDT brings inspiration and visionary capacities. It’s a push to transform self. Trust comes up on the 8th and possible power struggles on the 9th. Jupiter enters Scorpio on the 10th after a year of expanding Libras’ worlds, now Scorpio can expect the same over the next year. Frustrations on the 11th and 15th, and a deeper, broader look at life on the 18th. The New Moon on the 19th at 1:12PM/MDT brings that ‘expect the unexpected’ quality. Balance your own needs with what other people want of you. The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd and we spend the next month working with the depths of life. It is also the time of the ancestors. The 24th expands one’s spiritual insights. Look to the larger picture on the 26, and the month ends with Venus square Moon. Make sure you know what is yours, emotionally, and what might be someone else’s.

November begins with the Full Moon on the 3rd at 11:23PM/MDT. Celebrate all the differences that exist between all of us. Expand your vision of what is spiritual. Saturn trines Uranus on the 11th and we are invited to bring our idiosyncrasies to the table and infuse them into our work. Mercury enters its shadow on the 13th, getting us ready for the next Mercury cycle. Prayer, music, singing on the 16th. The New Moon on the 18th at 4:42AM/MST says healing is needed and possible. Relationships want and need transformation. Bring a humanitarian attitude to the intensity of life. The 19th continues a feeling of intensity. We enter Sagittarius on the 21st and things may feel lighter. Neptune stations from the 19th-25th, giving everything a sort of unreal, cloudy air. Intuition is high on the 25th. Trust it.

December begins with looking at where we nee to mature our attitudes. Jupiter brings music and enjoyment possibilities on the 2nd., and Mercury turns Retrograde (Rx) on the 3rd at 12:34AM/MST. Mercury is in Sag and asks us to look for the larger reason, the larger view, of what’s going on. The Full Moon is also on the 3rd at 8:47AM/MST. Questions arise. What is the current set of circumstances we are being asked to believe. Use your intelligence and intuition to see thru the folly. Do things for self and others that are nurturing, kind and helpful. Intensities return as Mars begins to make it way through Scorpio on the 9th. Insights on the 12th and 15th and a sense of freedom of self-expression comes on the 16th. The New Moon on the 17th at 11:30PM/MST wants us to look at the overview. What’s trying to happen. What larger vision is clamoring for attention. Saturn enters Capricorn on the 19th at 9:48PM/MDT for the next 2 years, asking Capricorn to take responsibility for areas of their lives that need attention. The Winter Solstice on Dec.21 at 9:29AM/MST wants us to look at how we can own our own authority, how we can be of service, and how we can live our truth more fully. Mercury goes Direct on the 22nd at 6:51PM/MST and we begin to implement what we’ve learned over the previous 3 weeks. We end the year focusing our energies and more easily moving toward our goals. Happy New Year!

Harvest Full Moon Oct.5 12:40PM/MDT

New Moon Oct.19 1:12PM/MDT

Full Moon Nov.3 11:23PM/MDT

Mercury enters its shadow Nov.13

New Moon Nov.18 4:42AM/MST

Mercury turns Rx Dec.3 12:34AM/MST

Full Moon Dec.3 8:47AM/MST

New Moon Dec.17 11:30PM/MST

Winter Solstice Dec 21 9:29AM/MST

Mercury turns Direct Dec.22 6:51PM/MST

Fall 2017 Book Reviews

Little Bookshop on the Seine by Rebecca Raisin. After a nasty romantic breakup, Sophie proposes a swap to her friend, Sarah. They would each run the other’s bookshop for several months while experiencing a totally different lifestyle. Sophie’s bustling shop is in the center of Paris while Sarah’s struggling little store is in a small, slow moving American town. The trip to Paris is Sarah’s first time on an airplane. Cultural clashes, unfamiliar work habits and some misunderstandings make for interesting and entertaining reading. A few light mysteries with novel twists and turns keep the reader guessing. Explore the wonders, and fall in love with Paris along with Sarah. (Guest Reviewer: Kate Guilford)

Worthy by Nancy Levin. This author grew up in a loving, middle class family. As the successful Events Director at Hay House Publishing for 12 years, she starred in her professional life working with internationally known people like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Doreen Virtue among others. Even with all this success, a divorce brought her to the realization that she felt apologetic and insecure in her personal life. This book grew out of her journey to self-worth. Along the way she discovered that this also increased her net worth. Do the exercises and let yourself be surprised. Double the benefit by doing them with someone you trust. This book is about worthiness in all facets of life. Focused on women, it also offers much value for men. Well written and helpful. (Guest Reviewer: Kate Guilford)

Return to Glow by Chandi Wyant. After a divorce and traumatic illness, Chandi returns to her favorite country, Italy, as a pilgrim, walking the 265 mile Via Francigena. She embarks on this 40=day pilgrimage, walking over the Apenines, through Tuscan valleys, on her way to Rome. A very readable and engrossing memoir of an inner and outer journey, a pilgrimage of self-discovery. Available on Amazon.

Castle Cay: A Julie O’Hara Mystery, Book 1 by Lee Hanson. The unexpected suicide/death of a close friend sends Julie looking into her friend’s world. Julie is a professional body reader and her testimony has been used in investigations and court cases. She can read the cues when people are lying, etc. The story is centered between the Miami Keys and Boston. Very enjoyable.

A Most Extraordinary Pursuit by Juliana Gray. 1906 England: Miss Emmeline Truelove is commissioned to travel to the Greek Isles in search of the new Duke of Olympia, as his father has just died. Truelove had been his personal secretary for years. She embarks with a protector, Lord Silverton, by private yacht. In Crete, misadventures, ransacked files, and assassination attempts await. Searching for the young Duke brings Truelove face-to-face with herself, her mortality, her notions of love and loyalty, and the unexpected experiences life can bring. Enjoyed this book!

If Two of Them Are Dead: A Maxey Burnell Mystery by Carol Cail. The Colorado author’s third book places this mystery in Boulder. An unresolved family mystery draws Maxey back to Nebraska to find out if her father really is still alive and did he kill her mother years ago, as everyone believed. Good read.

The Betrayal of the Blood Lily: A Pink Carnation Novel by Lauren Willig. Taken to India by her new husband from the society of England, Penelope Devereaux is confronted with mysterious situations with cobras, infidelity, secrets and spies, and political and romantic intrigue. I had read an earlier book of this author’s, and enjoyed that as well.

Lost and Found Sisters by Jill Shalvis. An unexpected inheritance, a found journal, and a surprise about who she thought she was, leaves Quinn questioning everything including herself. Enjoyed!

The Paris Spy: A Maggie Hope Mystery by Susan Elia MacNeal. Seventh book in the series continues to feed my curiosity about British spies in German-occupied France in the early 40s. These mysteries, though fiction, are based on files and info about authentic occurrences during

the war and the brave people who sacrificed life and limb to keep the Nazi’s from total control of Europe. Always a good read.

The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan. Nina, a young woman in contemporary England, knows she’s at a crossroads with her job ending and her massive piles of books being a bone of contention with her house mate, travels to the Scottish Highlands to purchase a vehicle. She plans to drive a mobile book shop around the countryside to the small towns and hamlets. Charm, humor, innocence and fairytale attitudes pervade this story of life and the courage it takes to change your own. Loved this story.

New Book:

In This Moment: Contemplative Poetry By Jyoti Wind. Illustrations by Kathleen Spencer Johns. From the back cover: As usual, Wind pulls the magic of words together sending them out into the world to fill the hunger, to quench the thirst, to savor over and over again. In This Moment will be carried in pockets and purses, to be read in front of the fire, in waiting rooms, standing in line, and at the laundromat. Arlene S. Bice, workshop leader, author of two books of poetry, recipient of the Florence Poets Society, Poet of Distinction Award, and publisher of many. Early orders taken now. $14.95 + $3.s/h. Publishing date Mid Oct.’17.

Women Writers

As frail as ripe fruit,

I could see through

her transparent skin

all the way to the

other side of her soul;

I knew she was suffering,

but I could not save her

from herself,

the self she had already

given to save the world.

Linda Holbrook

Fall Workshops and Classes:

Online Astrology Class 101. Tues. evenings, 7PM/MDT. 4 classes. Signs, Planets, Houses. Oct.17, 24. Nov.7, 14. $120.

No experience necessary. Two books recommended for the class. Email or call me.

Healing the Ancestral Heart Ritual Workshop

Oct.22, 1-4PM. Boulder. $65.

Betrayals, familial wounds, unspoken bonds, denied love. These are the woundings of the Ancestral Heart. Please join me in a journey workshop to heal this lineage you are a part of, and bring light and new vision forward to your life and beyond you. No experience necessary.

Flight of the Spirit: Basic Shamanic Journey Workshop

Oct.29, 1-4PM, Boulder, $65.

Learn basic journey techniques, who your guiding spirits are, how to navigate the inner worlds. No experience necessary.

The Anointing of the Feminine Ritual Workshop.

Nov.12, 1-4PM. Boulder. $65.

For those of you who are drawing ready to emerge, to begin another layer of your own work, or to be of more visible service to others, please share in this anointing ceremony.

We will honor the Divine Feminine inside as we move forward to express Her and our own personalities in these times.

As did the priestesses in the temples of old, we will bless and consecrate our work, our calling. No experience necessary.


Excursions by Linda Holbrook. Linda brings a sense of the mystical into her observations of the natural world. Her love of animals and nature’s beauty, see the wonder of it all through a poet’s eye, takes you there, humbled, to see what she sees. Beautiful poetry.

Ireland 2018 Tour! Join us for a week-long visit to the Sacred Sites of Ireland.

June 30-July 8, 2018. The itinerary is still being created. Let me know if you are interested. You can see pics of the past Tours on my FB page…Sacred Site Tours or view the slide show video on YouTube…

“A richness of intangibles came with this magic adventure - one, the first, was to completely trust something before it even happened. Just saying "Yes!" back in November opened the way to it being more than 10 days in Ireland. I have the feel of walking on thick, damp sod and forehead pressed to a giant talking stone, clean things, crying, sobbing, snotting unafraid in a field in the presence of kind stones, kinder women - could go on and on ... there's so much that I have, that we all have deep enough in us to never be less than these things that have been so graciously given and received, to be made good use of - just Thank You” Pam Rau

Hello writers, I'm putting together a travel memoir anthology...prose, poetry. Share your travel memories and adventures.


1300 words on each piece.

5 poems or

5 prose pieces or a mix of the 2.

Deadline: Dec.1, 2017.

Please submit using 12pt. size and Times New Roman style. And a small bio. Please feel free to share this with other writers and groups. Thank you!!!!

Jyoti Wind

2635 Mapleton Ave.#9

Boulder, CO 80304


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