Ireland Slides and Soul Retrieval Workshop
Ireland Slide Show
July 11, 7-8:30 PM Free
Mountain View Presbyterian Church
Come enjoy the pictures of Ireland. Holi wells, Standing Stones, Stone Circles From Brigid’s Well to Innisfallen Isle, from Dingle Town to Galway, Ireland is always welcoming, green and magical.
355 Ponca Place, Boulder
(Baseline to Mohawk, left on Pawnee, left onto Ponca Place. Right onto Sioux, to park on the back street and come in that south door.)
Sacred Journey Workshop
Shamanic Soul Retrieval

When we experience deep emotional and physical situations in life, sometimes we lose pieces of ourselves. It is important that we receive those pieces back to fill ourselves and become more whole.
Learn how to journey for yourself and for another person to retrieve those energies back for health and healing.
July 16