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Astro Update 5 29 17

I am back from the Ireland Tour and am preparing a slide show, which I plan to show locally in mid-July. I may have it video-taped and have the DVD available afterwards. Let me know if you are interested.

The Tour was wonderful and some of the places we went to, new to me, were spectacular. The height of the Standing Stones was huge, with the Stones singing energetically.

As far as the heavens go:

Wed. May 31-Mercury trines Pluto and gives great insights into any situation.

Thurs. June 1- Venus trines Saturn…a sense of going with the flow…an underlying sense of trust.

Sat. June 3-Venus conjuncts Uranus, Sun trines Jupiter…Wanting freedom of self-expression and creativity, and a sense of expansiveness that anything is possible.

Sunday June 4-Sun square Neptune, Mars enters Cancer…Inner looking a good thing today. Check in with oneself.

Mars moving into Cancer and moving through this sign for the next 5 weeks really energizes home, self-nurturing, tending to personal needs and providing safe space for others.

All the hemispheres in existence

Lie beside an equator

In your heart.


The photo is sunrise, flying out of the night, coming to the sunrise as we approached Ireland.

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