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Starshine News Spring 2017

Starshine News

Vol.21, # 2

Spring 2017

Dear Friends,

Our humanity. Where are we now? Do we have statistics about how much, more or less, humane we are as a species. Are more people being called to help each other because they hear it in their hearts and know they can be effective just by showing up?

Are we caring for the Earth more now as the EPA is being dismantled? Not sure how effective it has actually been over the last 15 years. I remember sitting at a table with them, the DOE and the CO. Dept. of Health, and thinking, ‘I thought they worked for us (the people) as I watched them schmooze with the DOE at Rocky Flats (the overseers of the Superfund Cleanup Site).’

So how are we doing? What has your name on it?


On another note: I’ve been working on creating CDs, DVDs, and YouTube versions of my Astrology classes, Workshops and Meditations. I am downloading my work, so to speak, in a place where anyone can benefit from the offerings, not just people who live locally (as in the workshops). They are available through my web site,, and more will be added over time. Please check in from time to time and check them out.

Blessings, Jyoti

Spring Meditation

Take a few deep breaths releasing the day. Starting with your feet and moving up your whole body, hold that part/your feet, and tell them how much you love them, how grateful you are to have them. Continue until you have loved your whole body.

Astrological Services

Consultations are $100.

They include:

Natal, and Transit Reading.

Relationship Charts.

Astrocartography Maps.

Shamanic Journeys.

Spiritual Consulting.

Children’s Charts:

$50 under 14 yrs.

Sliding scale available

“A rose’s rarest essence lives in the thorn.” Rumi

Spring 2017 Astrology Column

April begins with empowerment and taking responsibility. Venus is still Retrograde (Rx), so we are still looking at what’s important and what isn’t. Challenges of trust and control on the 8th, and Mercury turns Rx on the 9th at 5:15PM/MDT. Look at finances and values over the next 3 weeks. Reach out for what you need. The 11th is the Full Moon at 12:08AM/MDT and says balance of self and other is focus. Breathe. Let you eccentricities show on the 13th and Venus turns Direct at 4:37AM/MDT on the 15th. We begin to integrate the events of the previous 6 weeks. Pluto is stationing from 17-24 and it’s a time of intensity and potential transformation. We end April with the New Moon at 6:16AM/MDT on the 26th. It pushes us to look at how to manifest our dream. Persevere!

On May 3rd, Mercury turns Direct at 10:33AM/MDT and we are ready to put into place perhaps a different way of utilizing our financial opportunities. The 9th gives us a sense of empowerment to make things happen. The Full Moon on the 10th at 3:42PM/MDT brings strength of purpose and commitment, plus healing and insights. Things flow on the 12th, lots of energy for projects. Mercury catches up and moves into new territory on the 20th. The New Moon on the 25th at 1:44PM/MDT says to trust your own intelligence. Be clear. Balance action and rest. We end May with Mars opposing Saturn on the 29th and we are asked to balance our energies.

Freedom and flow begin the month of June, with a sense of self-assessment running in the background. The Full Moon on the 9th at 7:10AM/MDT is about self-nurturing experiences. Relationships deepen, and look at larger projects waiting in the wings. From the 10th-22nd, Neptune is stationing and we look at our spiritual lives. Challenge is to listen to our own truth on the 15th and use the mind in positive pursuits on the 18th. The Summer Solstice at 10:24PM/MDT on the 20th says focus your energy. Manifest deeper spiritual values in your day-to-day life. The New Moon on the 23rd at 8:31PM/MDT, brings the strength to move through life situations more easily. The 24th and 25th may feel like we can bring our dreams into focus and communication is strong on the 28th. The month ends with Mercury opposing Pluto on the 29th and we may see deeply, but not know exactly what to do with what we see. Be willing to see anyway. Happy Summer!

Mercury Rx April 9 5:15PM/MDT

Full Moon April 11 12:08AM/MDT

Venus Direct April 15 4:17AM/MDT

New Moon April 26 6:16AM/MDT

Mercury turns Direct May 3 10:33AM/MDT

Full Moon May 10 3:42PM/MDT

New Moon May 26 12L44AM/MDT

Full Moon June 9 7:10AM/MDT

Summer Solstice June 20 10:24PM/MDT

New Moon June 23 8:31PM/MDT

Indigo Children: 1970s. They show us where we

are inflexible, rigid. They have warrior spirits

quashing old systems that lack integrity.

Crystal Children: 1980s & 1990s High energy,

strong personalities, creative, instant manifestors.

Shows us how closed and unfeeling humans are.

Wanting to create a safer world. They communicate

later in childhood. Largely forgiving.

Rainbow Children: 2000 and up. They can read

people’s feelings, have emotional mastery, no

karma. They are about service, and very few

have incarnated. Telepathic.

Spring 2017 Book Reviews

The Wedding Pearls by Carolyn Brown. Six people ranging in age from a 16 year-old to two feisty 80 somethings take an extended road trip around Texas in a vintage red ’59 Cadillac convertible named Mollybedamned. Unexpected relationships emerge. Secrets are revealed. I laughed, cried and felt my heart soften as I traveled along with them. This story is about various forms of family and love. The characters will win your heart, challenge your judgements and expand your horizons. A consummate story teller, Carolyn Brown’s characters and their relationships leap off the page. Here she explores adoption, end of life, love and legacy. Guest Reviewer: Kate Guilford.

Secret Sisters by Emelle Gamble. Roxanne and Cathy have been best friends for many years. They’re very different from each other in looks and manner. Roxanne has exceptional beauty, boy friends and depression. Cathy has a husband, a cat, and a love of people. As the story begins with a tragedy that reshapes everyone’s lives, confusion and grief are strong, and suddenly a lightbulb goes on for the reader, and the possibilities of what could happen. For me, it was a page turner. I was intrigued by the storyline right up until the end. Loved it!

The Intuitive Dance: Building, Protecting, & Clearing Your Energy by Atherton Drenth is a light, easy way to come to understand and develop your intuitions. It suits those just coming to learn about intuition and those that are brushing up on their practicing habits. This is especially good for book discussion groups. Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice

Miles in My Shoes, Years By My Side by Patrick James Smith. This is a memoir, written in journal-style, of all the highly unusual paranormal incidents that have happened to the author from the time he was a youngster. He caps each event with a bible quote or two. Recommended for anyone interested in true paranormal happenings. Can be found in Amazon books. Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice.

Buried in a Bog by Sheila Connolly. The first in a trilogy introduces us to Maura Donovan, an American arriving to Ireland from Boston. Her ‘gran’ has just died, leaving her with a few funds for this trip to the place of their ancestors. The setting is Skibberean,, outside of Cork, in a small spot on the roadway between the small town and larger city. A body, a mystery, new friends and some unexpected events draw you into the story. I’ve read all three and enjoyed my time in contemporary Ireland, as much as if I traveled there.

Step Up, Step Out: Share Your Gifts and Be An Agent for Change by Carolyn Rose Hart.

‘ “What is the significance of my life?” “What is my life’s purpose?” “How do I evolve to my highest being and clear my past?” I had a knowing that living in an apartment or condo in Cleveland, OH would answer those questions at the deep level I was seeking. Given my strong passion for adventure and an intense desire to connect with other people, I set out on an expedition. I would not rent or buy a place to live. I would travel for a year and live out of my car. That one year turned into four.’

After 30 years of teaching challenged learners, Carolyn left her life in Cleveland and embarked on an odyssey of self-discovery, one that took her to Africa, Bali, Brazil, and different areas of the U.S. Her story is the Heroine’s Journey and her success is growing into and claiming her authentic and inspirational self.

All Because of Love: A Devotional: Inspired by the Gospel of John by Diana Carey Falcone. The author has taken on the task of imagining the thoughts and feelings of those who met Jesus and gives the reader the experience of being at the Canaan Wedding, the Sermon on the Mount, the healing of the sick, among other encounters. Through the eyes of men, women and children, one has a first hand, front row, seat during St. John’s accounts of Jesus’ life. A very interesting read.

I Write When the River’s Down: Poems, Aphorisms, Essays by Tod Howard Hawks. Tod takes us through travels as a child, college days, his love life, and his philosophy of life, death and loss. His poetry at times scathing for the injustices in the world, sometimes deeply gentle and loving, and always lyrical and filled with hope for a better life, for a better world. 1055 Adam Circle, #1225, Boulder, CO 80303.

Let It Not Be Too Conscious

Let it not be too conscious

that which comes from your

heart. Let it flow silently as

pure water from a spring or

clean air of a mountain breeze

after afternoon showers. Let

it come effortlessly from your

heart, as true as truth and

God’s center.

Tod Howard Hawks

Ravens of Avalon by Diana L. Paxson (inspiration by Marion Zimmer Bradley). This novel, published in 2007, is one in a series of books about Avalon, in which Paxson carries on the vision and work of Zimmer Bradley who passed away in 1999. It is an historical fiction about the period in Britannia when the Romans were invading and attempting to take over the lifestyle of the Druids. The main characters are (Queen) Boudica and Lhiannon, both trained priestesses and dearest friends, whose lives carry them on paths that are distinct but intertwined by fate. Boudica becomes the brave and inspirational leader of the Druid people in the uprising against Roman forces in 60/61 CE. As in other books by these authors (Mists of Avalon, Priestess of Avalon , etc.) we get in intimate view of the life and times of the people, as well as the spiritual energy, magic, and inner longing of the main characters. Paxson skillfully weaves us a tale that draws us into the conflict and makes us yearn to be there in that time, fighting for autonomy from an imperial power inevitably set to destroy a beautiful culture. In addition, it spoke to me of our present struggles against tyranny, oppression and genocide that are at the heart of our current global crises. Excellent reading; I highly recommend it! ISBN 978-0-670-03870-1 Guest Reviewer: Nina Shapiro

Astrology and Evolution

I believe that we choose our birth environment, from our parents to the time of our entry. Where the planets are at birth provides a road map for us to follow, to satisfy certain personal evolutionary needs. One could also call these needs, soul lessons.

One view is that the soul comes back again and again to learn and experience different aspect of itself. The sorrow and suffering, delight and abundance, heroic courage and abject surrender, may help that soul grow through transformation. The dance of life takes one’s soul through a myriad of challenges until it has had its fill.

The personality receives prompts from the soul, audibly or unconsciously. Once the personality and the soul are more interwoven in a consciously aware dynamic, then no maps are needed. The soul is able to function through, and be a part of, the existing personality of the being.

Until that time, the Astrology chart can provide deep insight into the soul-path of this particular incarnation, which the person may be aware of or not. In most cases, people are aware of certain leanings and pulls, certain propensities for or against different areas of life. When they are affirmed during an astrology interpretation, a person may feel strengthened to explore and expand an area that beckoned. Their own self-doubt becomes a softer voice inside, and their interest and courage may be accessed more easily. Thus, their soul directions and sense of purpose may also be more visible and more consciously chosen. Jyoti Wind

I Write When the River's Down

I write when the river's down, when the ground's as hard as a banker's disposition and as cracked as an old woman's face. I write when the air is still and the tired leaves of the dying elm tree are a mosaic against the bird-blue sky. I write when the old bird dog, Sam, is too tired to chase rabbits, which is his habit on temperate days. I write when horses lie on burnt grass, when the sun is always high noon, when hope melts like yellow butter near the kitchen window. I write when there are no cherry pies in the oven, when heartache comes like a dust storm in early morning. I write when the river's down, and sadness grows like cockle burrs in my heart. Tod Howard Hawks

Amish Grandpa Farmer Found Guilty On ALL Counts Involving His Homemade Salves - Faces Up to 48 Years in Prison

We are SHOCKED and saddened to report that on March 2nd, Amish farmer (and father and grandfather) Samuel Girod- who we have reported on before- was found guilty by a federal jury for making and distributing herbal products on his family farm. The FDA requires manufacturers of defined drugs to register their facility with them and the Girod farm is not registered. He will be sentenced by a judge on June 16 at 10 a.m...(Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News).

My comment: All you herbalists out there…can you imagine…(JW).

That we may awaken,

to live to the full

the dream of the Earth

who chose us to emerge

and incarnate its hidden night

in mind, spirit, and light.

John O’Donohue


On my web page: I am offering 4 Astrology Classes, available on YouTube and also on DVD. Please check them out. These classes are the first of many. They include Signs, Planets and Houses. The next group will offer: Aspects, Chiron, the North and South Nodes. They will eventually span my 48 years of studying and working with Astrology and Metaphysics.

I am recording them as a way of sharing my knowledge, sharing my work. I have a Basic Shamanic Workshop, Owning the Shadow Workshop all ready to go, along with several Meditations. They will be available through the web site. Please check back from time to time to share in them.

Jyoti Wind

2635 Mapleton Ave.#9

Boulder, CO 80304


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