Astro Update 11 13 16

The Supermoon Full Moon is tomorrow, Nov.14 at 6:52AM/MST, closest to the earth until 2034.
Be as clear as possible. Bring words and feelings to the table. Unexpected things happen and push your own healing envelope. Trust your own intelligence. You know more than you think you do. Keep your own counsel. Don’t get caught in the illusion of things.
Mercury enters the shadow of its next Retrograde (Rx) cycle on Nov.22 (turns Rx on Dec.19). Time to rethink some of our beliefs about life, and what this is all about.
Because Jupiter squares Pluto on Thanksgiving Day, best no politics and religion discussions with the turkey, especially in a diverse group. Everyone has a stand to take.
“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” Rumi
Commentary: I’ve been asked repeatedly what happened, astrologically, with the election.
First of all, we are still in the last time frame of the Saturn square Neptune. This is about dissolution, letting old patters melt and dissolve.
From another point of view, this is an evolutionary cue that can galvanize movement of the masses into standing for what they want instead of letting others carry it for them.
The Ireland Tour’s deadline is extended until Nov.25 for the first deposit. The Tour will take place in May, 2017. If you are interested, please let me know immediately. Space is limited, but not yet full.