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Astro Update 9 22 16

The Fall Equinox begins as the Sun enters Libra at 8:22AM/MDT this morning. For this next quarter, we come to find truthful moments, a willingness to sort truth from illusion, a willingness to see what your path is as it opens up in front of you.

On the 23rd, as Pluto begins to station (turning Direct on the 26), we look back at the last 5 months of inner work, inner musings. For the following 11 days, Pluto’s energies will be strong, bringing us intensity and depth, as we bring those musings out into our outer world to work with, to integrate into our day-to-day lives.

Venus moves into Scorpio on the 23rd also and we want more depth in our relationships, less fluff.

Sunday the 25th brings Sun conjunct Jupiter…expansion, and a feeling that anything is possible.

Tues. the 27th with Mars entering Capricorn, we realize we are willing to work for what we want and experience a little more industriousness in our daily life for the next 5 weeks.

On the 30th, we have a Blue Moon at 6:11PM/MDT, the 2nd New Moon in a calendar month. (New Moon was Sept.1, a Solar Eclipse). A Blue Moon suggests an opportunity for things to happen that rarely do. It also asks us to allow our imagination to guide us.

"Find the sweetness in your own heart, that you may find the sweetness in every heart." Rumi

“Find the sweetness in your own hear, that you may find the sweetness in every heart.” Rumi

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