Ireland Tour 2017 Flyer

Brigid's Well, Kilarney
Come join us in Ireland!
May 13-22, 2017
Over the past several years, we have had amazing tours of the sacred sites of Ireland. As a group we travel together to the holi wells and stone circles, from Brigid’s Well to the Glen. The spirits welcome us!
“As part of our journey upon the Way, we will gather the threads and weave ourselves whole: as powerful and light-filled Souls. We will sing and chant, we will dance and move and there will be times when we will hold the silence and bear witness.” Amantha, our Tour Leader
"I’m pretty sure anyone would use the word “magical” to describe their experience of traveling with Jyoti to Ireland. It definitely felt that way for me! I’d recommend this tour very highly to anyone who feels called to go, feels open to delving within, and to sharing wonder, fun & adventure with new, like-minded friends. I can’t imagine any other tour including the abundance of sacred (and sometimes hidden) places that ours did. Our trip was perfectly planned and paced, and our guide Amantha introduced us to these sites and their stories in a way that no one else could have. Definitely the trip of a lifetime!" Jean Tuttle, Ireland Tour 2016.
If you are in interested in this Ireland Tour 2017, let me know. I will send you an itinerary and costs. Space is limited to 10. Jyoti Wind 303.541-9106.