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August's Astrology


August begins with the New Moon on the 2nd at 2:44PM/MDT. A new cycle of perseverance and with Mars re-entering Sag, a sense of adventure as well. Relationships are very supportive. Mercury continues its aspects to Saturn, Neptune and Pluto from 6th -10th and communications and language skills are prominent.

Mercury enters the shadow of its next Retrograde (Rx) cycle on the 9th, and we begin to look at our discerning qualities. Saturn turns Direct on the 13th and our goals become more conscious and sought after. The 16th and 17th bring days of freedom and empowerment.

The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 18th at 3:26AM/MDT asks us to trust our intelligence and idealism, to look for deeper meaning and allow our relationships to expand. A push to examine our dreams on the 25th and Mercury turns Rx on Aug.30 at 7:04AM/MDT and for the following 3 weeks we will look at our ability to pick and choose what’s really for us and let the rest go.

New Moon Aug.2 2:44PM/MDT Enters shadow Aug.9 Lunar Full Moon Eclipse Aug.18 3:26AM/MDT Turns Rx Aug. 30 7:04AM/MDT

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