Shamanism, Metaphysics, and Grace: A Good Death, Part 1
Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace A Good Death Part 1 https://youtu.be/GAoNI2vi33M

Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace: Astrology Update
Astrology Update 2 3 23 Join me and Lauren Hubele as we look at and discuss the Full Moon in Aquarius this Sunday, Feb.5....

Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace: Trust
Please join me and Lauren Hubele as we look at trust, how to develop it and how we renew it. https://youtu.be/8N8Iact9Lwo

Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace: Self-Love and Power
Join me and Lauren Hubele as we look at and discuss Self-Love and giving your power away and reclaiming it. https://youtu.be/7g_q94jtPTY

Imbolc and Brigid Celebration
Brigid and Imbolc Celebration Imbolc, which means ‘in the belly’ is the time of lambing, and the first small growths of Spring, so those...

Astro Update 1 21 23
Astro Update 1 21 23 Today, Saturday, Jan. 21 at 1:53PM/MST, there is a New Moon. It is the Sun, Moon, and Pluto all together within a...

Astro Update 1 17, 23
Astro Update 1 17 23 Mercury turns Direct tomorrow at 6:12AM/MST. We can expect those issues that we got to see over the previous 3...

Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace: Remembering Ourselves
Join me and Lauren Hubele for our look at courage and bringing the parts of ourselves back together. https://youtu.be/wm8qKegTJ70

Astro Update 1 12 23
Astro Update 1 12 23 Today Mars turned Direct at 2PM/MST. It's been Retrograde (Rx) since the end of Oct. This is now about MOVEMENT!!! ...

Astrology Update: 2-23 Shamanism, Metaphysics and Grace
Join me and Lauren Hubele as we look ahead to this next year. https://youtu.be/i2B7RVe6l14