Astro Update 9 22 16
The Fall Equinox begins as the Sun enters Libra at 8:22AM/MDT this morning. For this next quarter, we come to find truthful moments, a...
Astro Update 9 14 16
Astro Update 9 14 16 The Full Moon Eclipse on Sept.16 at 1:05PM/MDT brings a courage to try new things. Because the Sun/Moon opposition...

Ireland Tour 2017 Flyer
Brigid's Well, Kilarney Come join us in Ireland! May 13-22, 2017 Over the past several years, we have had amazing tours of the sacred...
Astrology Class Boulder
Astrology Class Beginning Astrology Class Part 1 Sept.6, Tuesday nights, 4 weeks $120. 6-8PM Boulder Through Astrology one learns...
A Long Breath of Yesterday
A Long Breath of Yesterday A long breath of yesterday, we played as children play amidst the brick towers of the Bronx, tales of...

Flight of the Spirit Shamanic Workshop
Introduction to Shamanism Learn how to utilize different states of consciousness to gather information, power and courage. Using...
Astro Update 8 8 16
Astro Update 8 8 16 On Tuesday, Aug.9, Mercury enters its shadow for it’s next Retrograde (Rx) cycle. It turns Rx on Aug. 30 at...
August's Astrology
AUGUST'S ASTROLOGY August begins with the New Moon on the 2nd at 2:44PM/MDT. A new cycle of perseverance and with Mars re-entering Sag, a...
Astro Update 7.24.16
This next week, with Uranus stationing to turn Retrograde (Rx) on July 29th, the energies are erratic, changeable, lightning-like...