New Book! Here, There, and...Everywhere: A Travel Anthology
Here, There, and...Everywhere Ed. by Jyoti Wind. Over 35 writers contributed to this book of travel stories. From Cambodia to Machu...

Blue Moon/Lunar Full Moon Eclipse Reminder
Eclipse Reminder Wed., Jan.31, at 6:27AM/MST there is a Blue Moon/Lunar Full Moon Eclipse. It wants us to look at our...

The Queen and Her Domain
The Queen and Her Domain: Empowerment Through Embodying Personal Royalty When you think of the Queen what comes to mind? Is it that She...

Starshine News Winter 2018
Starshine News Vol.22, # 1 Winter 2018 wind.jyoti@gmail.com www.jyotiwindastrology.com Dear Friends, Like a silver thread in a gossamer...

Astro Update 12 21 17
Astro Update 12 21 17 On Tues. Dec.19, Saturn entered Capricorn, its own sign for the next two years. It’s sending out a signal for all...
Astrology for Children and Families
Astrology for Children and Families As an Astrologer for 48 years, Jyoti Wind has given hundreds of readings of children to their...

Poetry Reading and Book Signing
Saturday Dec. 2 12 – 2pm Jyoti Wind, Sara McKoy, Ann Griffin, Linda Holbrook and other readers Please join us for words of inspiration....

Astro Update 11 15 17
Today Mercury enters the shadow of its next Retrograde (Rx) cycle. Mercury is in Sag and we will look at the larger picture and what that...

Itinerary for Ireland Tour 2018
JOURNEYING UPON THE LAND OF ÉIRU ITINERARY Saturday 30th June – Saturday 7th July 2018 TO WALK IN PILGRIMAGE – to hear the call and our...

New Book! In This Moment: Contemplative Poetry
In This Moment: Contemplative Poetry by Jyoti Wind $14.95 + $3. s/h. With few words, she captures the essence of a thought, a desire, an...