Astro Update 8 9 21
Yesterday was the New Moon in Leo and what’s being called the Lion’s Gate. The New Moon occurred at 7:50AM/MDT yesterday morning. A new...

Astro Update 7 23 21
Full Moon today, July 23 at 8:37PM/MDT. Deep insights over the next month. Take responsibility for what’s yours, what’s yours to do, and...

Lammas/Lugnasa/Lugnasadh Celebration
Join me on Friday evening, July 30 at 6PM/MDT. Free We will celebrate the gift of Summer and the very beginning of the harvest. We will...

Astro Update 7 17 21
A brief statement. The Sun is opposing Pluto today at 4:46PM/MDT. Keep hold of your power.

Astro Update 7 6 21
Astro Update 7 6 21 Today, Tuesday, July 6th, Venus opposes Saturn and asks us to look at trust. Do we trust life to bring us what we...

Summer '21 Starshine News
Starshine News Vol.25, # 3 Summer 2021 wind.jyoti@gmail.com www.jyotiwindastrology.com Dear Friends, Take every opportunity for growth,...

Astro Update 6 18 21
A big week ahead!!! Sunday the 20th is the Summer Solstice at 9:32PM/MDT. Unexpected situations over the next quarter, as well as healing...

Summer Solstice Celebration
Summer Solstice Celebration Join me on Sunday evening, June 20 at 6PM/MDT. Free We will celebrate the height of Summer, her growth and...

Astro Update 6 14 21
Astro Update 6 14 21 Today at 4:01PM/MDT, Saturn and Uranus have their second of three squares. The first one was in early Feb.’21, and...

Astro Update 6 9 21
Astro Update 6 9 21 New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow, June 10 at 4:53AM/MDT. New Moon. New Cycle. Be willing to see the truth and speak...